Mindfully Moody

How to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

June 10, 2024 Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson Season 3
How to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Mindfully Moody
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Mindfully Moody
How to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Jun 10, 2024 Season 3
Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson

What if stepping outside your comfort zone could unlock the life you’ve always dreamed of?!  Join us for a powerful and transformative episode of Mindfully Moody, where we uncover the magic that happens when you break free from familiar routines and embrace the unknown.

Hannah kicks things off by sharing her journey of hosting a nerve-wracking event that ultimately turned into a milestone of personal growth. We explore the layers of our comfort zones, dissecting both their benefits and the limitations they impose on our jobs, relationships, and daily habits.

Reflecting on our past experiences, we discuss the initial trepidation faced when embarking on new adventures, like the life-changing decision of traveling to Europe or transitioning from corporate jobs to entrepreneurship. These stories highlight how enduring temporary discomfort can lead to profound personal and professional rewards.

We frame life as a journey towards a North Star, with challenges serving as speed bumps that test our resolve and contribute to our growth and self-discovery.

Navigating career choices and aligning them with our true selves is another key theme of this episode. We delve into the complexities of choosing between secure corporate roles and more fulfilling but riskier opportunities, emphasizing the importance of staying true to our core values. From potential retreat centers to large-scale public speaking engagements, we discuss strategies for overcoming fears and self-limiting beliefs.

By taking incremental steps, seeking support, and challenging negative narratives, we demonstrate how to honor your path and progress towards your goals. Tune in for heartfelt stories, practical advice, and a supportive community aimed at helping you break free from your comfort zones and thrive.

Are you ready to awaken to your power? Sara is currently offering a limited coaching package of 8 sessions for $888. Book a free discovery call here

Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course from Passion to Profit to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.



Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What if stepping outside your comfort zone could unlock the life you’ve always dreamed of?!  Join us for a powerful and transformative episode of Mindfully Moody, where we uncover the magic that happens when you break free from familiar routines and embrace the unknown.

Hannah kicks things off by sharing her journey of hosting a nerve-wracking event that ultimately turned into a milestone of personal growth. We explore the layers of our comfort zones, dissecting both their benefits and the limitations they impose on our jobs, relationships, and daily habits.

Reflecting on our past experiences, we discuss the initial trepidation faced when embarking on new adventures, like the life-changing decision of traveling to Europe or transitioning from corporate jobs to entrepreneurship. These stories highlight how enduring temporary discomfort can lead to profound personal and professional rewards.

We frame life as a journey towards a North Star, with challenges serving as speed bumps that test our resolve and contribute to our growth and self-discovery.

Navigating career choices and aligning them with our true selves is another key theme of this episode. We delve into the complexities of choosing between secure corporate roles and more fulfilling but riskier opportunities, emphasizing the importance of staying true to our core values. From potential retreat centers to large-scale public speaking engagements, we discuss strategies for overcoming fears and self-limiting beliefs.

By taking incremental steps, seeking support, and challenging negative narratives, we demonstrate how to honor your path and progress towards your goals. Tune in for heartfelt stories, practical advice, and a supportive community aimed at helping you break free from your comfort zones and thrive.

Are you ready to awaken to your power? Sara is currently offering a limited coaching package of 8 sessions for $888. Book a free discovery call here

Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course from Passion to Profit to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.



Speaker 1:

What's up everyone. Welcome back to Mindfully Moody, your favorite podcast, where we talk all about spirituality, self-growth, everything that is coming up in our lives. We are real, honest, vulnerable, and I'm Sarah, I'm joined with my best friend and co-host, hannah, for another episode, best friend and co-host, hannah, for another episode. And if you are not subscribed or following Mindfully Moody on Apple or Spotify, go right now into your app, right now, as you're listening to this, click follow, click subscribe and also reach out to us on social media. We have an active Instagram and TikTok, our website and all of the ways to contact both Hannah and I and get in our individual energy fields for our businesses Period.

Speaker 1:

I'm a coach, hannah is a business consultant, and we have so many ways to work with us, so go check that out. We are excited to connect with you and let's flow into it.

Speaker 2:

What's up, hannah? What is up? Let's flow into it. I like that intro Also. We have been popping on YouTube lately. I don't know if this one's going to go on, but you can go check out our YouTube channel If you want to see our faces live. I think we are going to start posting on there more frequently, so let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're entering our hustle era, by the way. Okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hustle era for the podcast. We are ready to get in go flow, go flow mode. Right, we're going to go, but we're also going to flow. Yes, because balance is important to us. Yeah, so you guys are going to see a lot more of us, probably on social media. If you're not following us on social media, follow us on Instagram, tiktok, all of that fun stuff, and we're going to be creating some new, amazing, incredible content. So we're here. We're happy that you're here with us.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, enough of that jibber jabber, let's get into this episode today. So, as you guys listened on the last podcast, you guys know that I was struggling with this specific event that I was going through this last week and it really sparked this conversation between me and Sarah about doing things outside of your comfort zone, pushing yourself to try new things, pushing yourself to like different limits, and we wanted to bring it on the podcast because we started deeply thinking about this and getting excited, like me and Sarah. We just have these conversations where we go back and forth and we're like why do we do this? Do we do this for a reason? Should we do this? Is this the right reason for us to do this? Is this the right path.

Speaker 2:

We can go on, and I don't even know how I can explain what I'm trying to explain, because sometimes it's like this esoteric idea.

Speaker 2:

But essentially I was called to host an event last week this week actually that went incredibly well but was incredibly challenging for me. Now I know that, on my path of the person that I'm supposed to become, doing this type of work is something that I feel that I'm supposed to do, that I'm supposed to try out, even though there was an immense amount of fear that came with it, that I wanted to stay small. I wanted to say no, I didn't want to actually do it, but I pushed myself into it and forced myself to do it because I knew it was going to help like quantum, leap me into a reality of the person that I want to become. So what we want to talk about on this episode today is like what qualifies as something that you should do right for your growth or something that you shouldn't do. And I don't really even know how to explain this, sarah. So if you can step in and like kind of explain it as well, maybe people will understand better.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. It's so interesting of this idea that we all have this comfort zone and this is talked about so much in personal development, right, the idea of we have our comfort zone, the things that make us feel comfortable, where we feel like we're able to stay there, even if it's things that would make other people uncomfortable, or even if it's things that would make other people uncomfortable, or even if it's things that make us miserable, like that can be in your comfort zone as well. You know, it's like your job that you've been at that. Maybe you don't really like, but you're comfortable there. You have, you know, a manager that you've developed some sort of rapport with, and like a team that everything's like kind of running. Ok, you know, maybe you're in a relationship that it's not going exactly how you want it to go, but you've been with the person a while. And or maybe you're not in a relationship at all and like you don't really date and you just like to stay in and stay home and be with your girlfriends. Like everyone has their own like, whatever their defined comfort zone is.

Speaker 1:

And what we really dropped into is, once you have arrived at your purpose, whatever you think is your greater purpose in life which Hannah and I have been on each individual journeys and joint a joint journey, certainly with Mindfully Moody, in discovering that for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So we feel like we know. We know what we want to do in the world. We know what we want to contribute on a broad scale, right, like the concept of what we want to contribute to the world. So you have this path where you're walking towards your purpose and that's also your comfort zone is related in there as well, right? So you're walking down this path and it's like there are some things within this path that are in your comfort zone is related in there as well, right? So you're walking down this path and it's like there are some things within this path that are in your comfort zone, and then there are some things that are like really outside of your comfort zone, which is like what you were talking about going on or going to host this event, which is like it's on your path to your purpose, because you want to bring joy into other people's lives, help people create their dream life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah to bring joy into other people's lives, help people create their dream life yeah, but it's outside of your comfort zone to go speak in front of a group of people and to put yourself out there in this way that you maybe haven't before yeah so like what?

Speaker 1:

what we really want to get into is deeper expansion on that, but also like when is something on the boundary of OK, this is outside of my comfort zone and I'm going to push myself to do it because I know it's aligned to my larger path, or when is it like this is just not aligned and this is making me uncomfortable because it doesn't feel good to me and I don't want to do it? Yeah, so like we're going to just get into all of that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you explained that so well and I like, when you were saying like, like, is this on the path to your purpose? And how I'm envisioning this is, like you know, once you discover kind of like that path you want to go on of, like the work that you want to do, your impact you want to make in the world, you can kind of zoom out the roadmap in your life and like kind of see this vision of the person that you desire to be right. So I'm zooming out and saying, like 10-year Hannah, like where is she living, what is she doing, what kind of work is she in? And like who is she working with and all of that, and like who is she working with and all of that. And so I have that vision. And then I understand that path of the steps that I have to take in order to get to that version of Hannah.

Speaker 2:

And this was a step along the way, even though it was so uncomfortable in the moment, like I was experiencing so much anxiety moment, like I was experiencing so much anxiety. And so in those moments of being called to step into a new level, a new phase, there's going to be that resistance that comes up and I think it's in that resistance of where that questioning happens, right, like, okay, is this just my comfort zone? And like I just need to push past this uncomfortability to level up and get to the next level. Or is it so bad and so debilitating that I'm just gonna say, never mind, let me, let me take a detour, let me get around this, let me maybe do something that's gonna help me. That feels a little bit more comfortable. Um, but I, after now being out of this experience, I feel so good that I did it. So I feel like that's the thing is like try it at least once If you hate the feeling after, if you're like, oh, that was not worth it, like maybe it wasn't the right step for you to take, but like for me now it's like okay, I need to do it again because I feel so good.

Speaker 2:

And also just a shout out. Shout out to Sarah. Big, big shout out to Sarah. You guys, I was really, really struggling with anxiety you guys heard in the last episode, but just overcome by anxiety about having to step out of my comfort zone for this. And Sarah, I did three coaching sessions with her and essentially like cleared the anxiety for me, like just walking me through so gently, asking all of the right questions, like helping me realize that, like the anxiety that I was feeling and like the beliefs that I were having, like maybe weren't necessarily real reality. And yeah, without Sarah.

Speaker 2:

Sarah, this is a real life testimonial but literally truly like, without those three coaching sessions to get me through like that event, like I would have been so much worse off and I think I would have struggled so much more with anxiety. And I essentially like cleared it like it was like a day before the event. And Sarah's like how are you feeling? I'm like, I feel good, like I'm excited, I'm energized. So, yeah, shout out to you and you guys should all literally go sign up for a coaching session with her, if she, if you're struggling with something like book, a discovery call, because she can help you get unblocked really quickly.

Speaker 1:

So thank you for that of course, of course, and let me just drop in. I have a special right now Eight sessions for 888. Eight coaching sessions with me. So reach out to me. I do free discovery calls, but I am so proud of you that you know, even with coaching and like the sessions, like you did the work, like I asked the questions, but you answered the questions and you did the work to understand.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, wait, maybe this story I'm not telling, or the story that I'm telling myself is not even a valid story that I need to be repeating in my head. And that's such an interesting piece about the topic as well, head, and that's such an interesting piece about the topic as well. We so often get this story in our head about things when they are outside of our comfort zone. Yeah, like, I mean it's, it's literally.

Speaker 1:

I was just telling my friend this yesterday. Like I am going on my honeymoon in Italy and I was telling this to one of my dad's friends and he, his first thing that he says to me is like aren't you like, aren't you scared to do that? Like don't you have like fear around that? And it was like literally. It blew my mind in the moment because it's like just such a representation of like wow, we have such different comfort zones, as people like me going to Italy for two weeks is that is so in my comfort zone, Like yeah, but for someone else that is completely outside of their comfort zone and it's like could that be something that actually, if it doesn't have to be about him, but whoever a listener listening like that you have fear about something and that actually, if you push yourself to do the thing outside of your comfort zone, that it could be expansive to you one thousand percent.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, I want to just like drop a little note on that that that person, that experience right there, because five years ago, ten years ago, maybe version of you may have been scared like thinking about us going to Europe for the first time, like there was definitely like fear fears you know like oh my god, are we gonna be able to communicate like? And now the fact and and that was out of our, I mean, that was out of my comfort zone was that the first time had you been to Europe before?

Speaker 1:

no, I don't know if that was. I mean parts of it.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't like scared, I was gonna get hurt or something right, right, but like, even, just like thinking about from then to now yeah now you don't even think about you're like I'm just going on redefine vacation and that redefine my comfort zone.

Speaker 2:

We've experienced it, we've lived it, we felt safe in it and like that's. We were reflecting on that as well of like all of the things we've pushed ourself outside of our comfort zone, showing up on social media, like speaking in front of people, like these things are now just second nature because we've practiced so much and realize that we're safe on the other side. And that's the same for my event. Like I'm safe on, like I made it out alive. Like do you have?

Speaker 2:

an example of something that, like, maybe you have done recently, where you maybe didn't want to do it or you knew that you should and you pushed yourself.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yes, I definitely think what I'm doing, like the the big career change that I made over the past year of leaving my corporate job, which was definitely in my comfort zone, like getting a great paycheck every two weeks and having amazing benefits and vacation, and, you know, even though I didn't like my job, it was like that was in my comfort zone, that that's all I knew, you know. So, pushing, pushing myself out of that, like I had a lot of fear, stepping into taking over my family business, like in a, in an industry. I knew literally nothing about the beginning of me working there was like low-key, painful for me, if I'm honest, like it was every day. I was like when I would work with a client and I would be, you know, talking about art and framing and design, like I felt like such an imposter. I was constantly pushing myself out of my comfort zone, you know, and I knew that that was worth it to me because it was taking me somewhere bigger. It was taking me to entrepreneurship, to creating stability for my family, to growing myself. You know so, like that was so worth it to me.

Speaker 1:

But there are many people and I could see this as well Like we could go the other way. Let's say that you know, I started I maybe I decided that I wanted to do a job. I mean, well, actually, like your, your corporate story is like a really good example of this, of like you thinking that you could just change the business, the company that you were working at, and it would like then snap into alignment, and it was like you could have pushed yourself through that. But you knew, like that is actually a perfect example of like when you're not pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, like you're just in serious misalignment. Yeah, so that's a total option as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I feel like there's there's like almost two types of suffering types of suffering like while you're in the comfort zone or pushing, like if you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, there, it's possible that there could be a sense of suffering for a temp, like um a specific period of time. If you don't, there's also a suffering. Right, If I said no to the event, I would be staying stuck, which would make me feel like I was suffering or being stuck or feeling stagnant in my personal growth and my professional growth. But as I pushed myself to do something new, yes, that was so uncomfortable, that was a little bit of suffering, but I just leveled up in that moment and at the end of it it feels good and that's the same right, With, like, what you're saying about the corporate job, Like you could have stayed in your corporate job and continued in that suffering, that misalignment, that not having like that time, location, financial freedom, or you could go into that uncomfortability of leaving, which is so scary, starting something new, being in that uncomfortable moment.

Speaker 2:

And now it's kind of like you know you've been doing it, I don't know for how long. How long have you been doing it for now?

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, like eight months, and now it's like, okay, well, I did this.

Speaker 2:

It's like, what could I do next? Like you know, you're probably going to stay in, like you know, working in this space for a while, but it's like it now the next jump, whatever that is having a retreat center, like that's not going to feel as scary because you know that you're able to be flexible with change and like and it's always going to work out like everything. You know we're not going to die from any of these big changes, so it's just I love it, it's I'm obsessed with it, bro. Even though it's just I love it, it's I'm obsessed with it, bro, even though it's hard.

Speaker 1:

This visual of being on this path and having your purpose as your North Star, like my purpose of bringing love into people's lives, raising the consciousness of the planet, that is this broad North Star that I'm walking towards and, as I'm walking on this path, that's the journey of my life, this lifetime. For me, there are these speed bumps, roadblocks, things that are coming up right. Some of them might be like you know, those big speed bumps that are like kind of easy to drive over. You know, like you just slow down a little bit and like you make it, and then you might come like a blocked complete. The road is blocked here and you have to figure out how you're going to get through that. And then you might come to there's a chance for a detour, and maybe the detour makes sense sometimes and maybe it doesn't other times. And when we were talking about this the other day, it was like the misalignment piece feels like the detour, like you're walking the path, you know, and you come up against something and you know you're in this place of like, okay, this is something that's like really, I'm trying to think of something that would be like misaligned for me. Oh, I'll do, I'll do one. Actually, I have a perfect one, because this was very, very talked to Like when I was in in coaching school.

Speaker 1:

People talk to me about this all the time, doing corporate coaching. So me working for a corporation or like in hand with a corporation, like old companies that we used to work at, and being like a career coach or like someone that's working in you know that kind of coaching realm that for me, is like something that could come up in my path and it's like OK, which way should I go here? I have a lot of corporate contacts. I've been in corporate America. Like this could be easier to me. I could make more money, because this kind of coaching costs way more because a company is paying for it versus an individual. Like there's all these things right.

Speaker 1:

Like, ok, should I do this? Like should I push through this? Like you know, go outside of my comfort zone in this way, because it wasn't fully in my comfort zone to do corporate coaching like that. You know that's like you have to present yourself in a really like professional way. You know it's outside of my authenticity, but I was up against this and I deemed that to be just completely misaligned for me. Like that is a possible path that I could have taken and that I could have pushed through and maybe it would have reaped X benefits. But it didn't feel authentically me, so I had to take that detour and get you know, go around the cul-de-sac to get back on my path towards my purpose. So I feel like that's just like I wanted to put a paint a picture for people of what that misalignment piece could show up as as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that visual so much where my brain is going and this you guys listening like this is really kind of like me and Sarah kind of riffing and going back and forth because this is kind of how we figure out things in life and like come to realizations. So I want to kind of keep going on this topic because I really trying to get to the bottom of it myself. So that sounds like the corporate coaching wasn't connected to your North Star. So what do we do if our North Star? We have something right that we feel is connected to our North Star, that is aligned, but we're having so much resistance still? I'm just thinking of something super random. What if I got the opportunity to go and be at a retreat center in Portugal for a year or something, like I this is so random and like teach classes or something like yeah, like that probably would be aligned.

Speaker 1:

Girl, you better go.

Speaker 2:

That probably would be aligned to my North star, but that also involves a lot of sacrifice leaving my dog, like, leaving my friends, leaving my family, right, so like that example is aligned. But then there's other things, like there's fears or worries, or sadness that comes up with that so that I don't know if that was the greatest example. But like, how do we know? Yeah, like, what is the right the right? Should I take a detour or should I just bust down that roadblock, that fear, and just go try it out? Like it's so hard to know. I mean, I guess we can, you know, lean on our intuition in these moments of like, should I do this? Is this the right thing for me? But a lot of times, when we're calling on our intuition and then there's fear, that can kind of like overcome the intuition and give us the wrong answer. So, yeah, yeah, the decision making when we're, yeah, having these challenges come up is it's just like interesting to think about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it. It's so interesting because you know you can have all different levels of things, like I love the example that you gave because that totally would be in alignment, like with you know what your purpose is. But I think there's also the filter of what is aligned with this physical life that I'm living right now. Yeah, so I think that's a filter, like you know, for me. If I got an opportunity right now to go, like you know, run a retreat center in Portugal, like, am I gonna do it? Probably not, because that's not aligned with, like, my physical life right now. Although, as I say, that I'm like.

Speaker 2:

Reza, I maybe make it work, but you and Reza move in. I mean, that would be sick. We're gonna go take a sabbatical in Portugal, brb.

Speaker 1:

I do love the idea, but you get what I'm saying. Like am I just calling that in for us are we supposed to move to Portugal for a year?

Speaker 2:

I've never been.

Speaker 1:

I want to go so bad. You could probably figure out how to bring Jimmy like that, could you know? We're just in the end of the idea now, but like what, if now?

Speaker 2:

now launching retreats in Portugal. You guys, you can sign up below. Drop below.

Speaker 1:

Wait list. Join our wait list. I would love to like definitely will host a retreat there someday. But anyways, that example, or even like what if you were right now given an opportunity, like somehow someone found out about, like what you do with Dream Life Activation and they said I want you to come to this conference that I'm hosting and do a dream life activation in front of 250 people? Like that is pushing, I know. I'm like let's get into the real shit, okay that's, that's client coach.

Speaker 1:

Private information right there no, you you speak all your shit on the podcast, but like even me. Okay, me too. If someone came to me and said I want you to do, you know, a workshop in front of 250 people, like you know, come on stage, like that's. Do I think that I'm meant to do something like that I do? Does it scare the living?

Speaker 2:

hell out of me. Yeah, this is, this is a really good example. Okay, so what do we do? This is, this is perfect, this is both are probably our north star, this is a lot of our north star. So what do we do? I'm like I don't want to do it.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So I think that there's like some steps to take, and I think that the first thing is to figure out, like we were talking about earlier, like what are the stories that you are telling yourself about this experience Right? Like, okay, I'm going to be on stage in front of 250 people. Like let's just say what some of our stories would be. Like people like I'm gonna mess up, I'm gonna fail, and people are gonna think that, like who the hell is this girl? Like, who brought her here? Why is she even on stage right now? Like I don't like her. Like I don't like her energy. She doesn't sound smart. Like go ahead and add some add some in.

Speaker 2:

I don't like this Dream life activation. I think it's pointless.

Speaker 1:

What is?

Speaker 2:

she wearing, she doesn't look cute Like yeah, yeah just like all those stories.

Speaker 1:

Why are these people staring at me?

Speaker 1:

Just thinking about 250 eyes on you and, yeah, people thinking like, oh, like she's, she's a fraud, like you know, just all these things that you're gonna tell people aren't gonna get any value out of this, they're just gonna be bored. Like all these stories that you start, people think I'm fat, they're gonna judge me, they're gonna post on social media about how I'm stupid, like just anything that could be going. I don't know if I would go to that story, but like anything that could come up, like so many different stories can come up for people. So, like, what are the stories that you're telling yourselves? Like, literally write those down on paper, tell them to a friend, tell them to your partner. Like, get into all of these things. Like, what are the stories? I feel like that's the best first place to start, because that shows you what's in your mind as what could go wrong. Yeah, then.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, then alchemize the darkness with light. Right, go to. What stories do you want to experience? Like, if you are, we're just doing live coaching for ourself on this, so bring on. If you guys have any speaking engagements for us to talk and we're on 250 people, let us know. Okay, maybe it's calling it in for the podcast. Are we supposed to do a live tour?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, hell yes, okay that I'm literally so in on but like yeah, then I think it's thinking about like the but the beliefs, the stories that you want to have, like okay, I'm at this woman's comp, the spiritual woman's conference that I've been invited to, to lead a dream life activation. Think about the crowd. Oh, my gosh, all of these empowering, beautiful, badass women are here to allow me to lead them through a beautiful activation. How cool they're gonna have such transformations from this like 30 minute, you know activation that I bring them through. People are gonna feel so much value. People are gonna cry because there's gonna feel so much energy from this like shifting that and that's exactly what we did in the coaching session too of like shifting to the thing that you want to experience, that you want to feel that that outcome that you actually want to have and like totally can just alchemize that altogether.

Speaker 1:

Yes, focusing on what can go right rather than what can go wrong, because our brains are trying to protect us. So it's like this is outside of your comfort zone. Your ego recognizes that. Ok, well then we need to sabotage this, because this is not in our realm of comfort. This is outside of what we think is worthy of doing, because we're scared. It brings up fear, it constricts our body. We feel like this anxiety looming over your ego wants to get rid of that, like it wants to clear that. So, ok, no, you shouldn't do it, because think about all these bad things that are going to happen if you do do it, like this is a risk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we want to protect ourselves, you know. So it's like that's why all these stories start to arise to try to take you off your path of what is ultimately potentially connecting you to your purpose. Yeah, it's so interesting. You know you have to debunk your own mind, like that's literally what self-growth work is. It's trying to learn how your mind works and then how to work with your mind versus work against your mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's also really looking in and honoring yourself and being, like, ok, at this moment in my life, at this age, like maybe I do think that that would be a little too overwhelming for me going and speaking in front of 250 people, but I recognize that it is something that's going to help me get on my path. Is there a way that I can start to work my way up, like at the gym right, you're not going to lift 250 pounds overnight, but can I start with maybe hosting a 10-person workshop and getting comfortable with my voice and speaking in front of people? Like that could be a good stepping stone if that does just feel like way too overwhelming to do. Like, are there stepping stones that can get you to that point at some point in the future?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not biting off more than you can chew in that moment. I think is an important filter, but I think the most important thing you know you focused on I think is an important filter, but I think the most important thing you know you focused on. Ok, what are the stories you're telling yourself? What's going wrong, what do I think is going to go wrong now? What do I think is going to go right? And you're starting to literally just be in that energy as much as you can. Like reading, make a list of what's going to go right and read it every day. Every time you have anxiety, every.

Speaker 1:

And then I mean, if you're spiritual which you probably are, if you're listening to this podcast, like you need to talk to God, Tune in, yeah, deepen into yourself, like, look into your own intuition, use your own psychic abilities. Like we think that you know spiritual, these ultimate spiritual people are outside of us. Like we are our own ultimate spiritual oracle. Like you know what is meant for you. And if you deepen into whatever your spiritual practices are like, whether it be meditation, breath, like whatever it is going to, a sound bath, doing whatever brings you back to that spiritual place of home inside of you and is where you find your greatest sense of clarity, then you need to ask the question is this meant for me? And you will get your answer.

Speaker 1:

You need to step outside of that like matrixy fear place, which I have been in a lot right now because I have so much going on in my life. And when you're just in that realm of like daily life, go, go, go, go go in the matrix, doing like thing after thing after thing after thing, never pausing, never taking moment to focus on the present. That's when more anxiety breeds. Like that's when you start to get like I'm not sure what I'm meant to do, I don't know. Know, like this speaking engagement is really scary, so I'm going to say no. Like get outside of that to deepen into your sense of home and then find that answer for yourself on one last thing to this and that is find support.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, like if I didn't have you in that moment, or like my other, like friends, my family supporting me, like I don't know if I would have like been able to show up how I wanted to show up. So if there's something that you want to do, if there's something that you're being called to challenge yourself with but there's fears, there's old stories, there's limiting beliefs, talk to somebody. Sometimes just us ruminating in our head these stories over and over again. It's not helpful. So talk to somebody. Maybe it is a friend, maybe it is a therapist, maybe it's a coach. Just find, maybe it's your family member, just find someone to verbalize and to hold space for you to speak about what is actually coming up, because once you're able to speak it out loud, you're kind of like okay, maybe that actually isn't actually true and it kind of really allows you to work through some of the stories. So go find someone to talk to.

Speaker 2:

I'm so grateful that we have this friendship. We do this with so many things, like on Polo, we'll be like I'm struggling with this. What does this mean? Like blah, blah, blah, and just like for us creating that space for each other. I think it's so healing and allows us to move through things quicker. So I encourage you guys to go and go find someone to talk to and I hope you guys find the support you need and continue to push yourself outside your comfort zone in a gentle way so you can level up, so you can continue on this path of achieving your vision, tapping into your higher self and making all of your dreams come true, I love it, we love you.

Speaker 1:

We are here to support you. I am taking coaching clients right now. Hannah, are you taking?

Speaker 2:

clients. I'm taking clients, I'm open to it. If you need a dream life activation, slide in my DMs. Let's activate your dream life baby.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you can reach us on social media. We're going to drop our personal handles in the show notes as well, so you can go check that out there, as well as links to book time with us. So get into our energy further, like if you listen to this podcast and you show up every week thinking, ok, these girls have something and I want to get to know them more. I want to experience the shifts that they've experienced or hear their point of view on things. We are here for you. We want to support you. So reach out to us and go rate us five stars wherever you're listening to this podcast, because it helps us reach more people like you. We love you. Have a great week, bye.

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
Pushing Out of Comfort Zone
Career Choices
Overcoming Fear and Finding Support