Mindfully Moody

Awaken to your Soul Magic: Remembering Who You Are

March 25, 2024 Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson
Awaken to your Soul Magic: Remembering Who You Are
Mindfully Moody
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Mindfully Moody
Awaken to your Soul Magic: Remembering Who You Are
Mar 25, 2024
Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson

Have you ever felt as if life's expectations have muffled the whispers of your soul? Well, get ready to amplify that inner voice! Join Sara and me, Hannah, along with our wise friend and thrice-featured guest, Danielle, as we beckon you to a place of enchantment and self-discovery at the Awakened Woman Retreat. Imagine a sanctuary where meditation, breathwork, and the tranquility of nature pave the way for you to quantum leap into your dreams. This isn't just about retreating from the world; it's about diving into the depths of your soul, finding clarity, and manifesting the magic that's been waiting to emerge.

Let's face it, the quest for authenticity is more like returning home than venturing into the unknown. Throughout this episode, we reminisce on our personal voyages through skepticism to spirituality, peeling back layers of societal expectations to unveil practices that forge a soul-deep connection. The revelation? Our true essence, shimmering with love and ease, is waiting to be rekindled. And for those eager to turn their passions into profitable pursuits, I've got a surprise up my sleeve – a free mini-course designed to align your career with your heart's desires.

Our magical journey doesn’t end with self-discovery — it flourishes as we explore the profound power of intuition. Sarah and I share insights on differentiating the mind's noise from the soul's serene clarity. We guide you on how to make decisions from a place of love, not fear, recognizing that the answers you seek often lie within your authentic self. So, if you're ready to embolden your inner wisdom and allow your soul’s magic to transform your life, this heart-to-heart conversation is your call to adventure.

Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course from Passion to Profit to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever felt as if life's expectations have muffled the whispers of your soul? Well, get ready to amplify that inner voice! Join Sara and me, Hannah, along with our wise friend and thrice-featured guest, Danielle, as we beckon you to a place of enchantment and self-discovery at the Awakened Woman Retreat. Imagine a sanctuary where meditation, breathwork, and the tranquility of nature pave the way for you to quantum leap into your dreams. This isn't just about retreating from the world; it's about diving into the depths of your soul, finding clarity, and manifesting the magic that's been waiting to emerge.

Let's face it, the quest for authenticity is more like returning home than venturing into the unknown. Throughout this episode, we reminisce on our personal voyages through skepticism to spirituality, peeling back layers of societal expectations to unveil practices that forge a soul-deep connection. The revelation? Our true essence, shimmering with love and ease, is waiting to be rekindled. And for those eager to turn their passions into profitable pursuits, I've got a surprise up my sleeve – a free mini-course designed to align your career with your heart's desires.

Our magical journey doesn’t end with self-discovery — it flourishes as we explore the profound power of intuition. Sarah and I share insights on differentiating the mind's noise from the soul's serene clarity. We guide you on how to make decisions from a place of love, not fear, recognizing that the answers you seek often lie within your authentic self. So, if you're ready to embolden your inner wisdom and allow your soul’s magic to transform your life, this heart-to-heart conversation is your call to adventure.

Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course from Passion to Profit to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

Speaker 1:

Hey, babes, and welcome back to Mindfully Moody. It's your girl, hannah, joined by my best friend and co-host, sarah, and we are excited to be back on another episode of Mindfully Moody. We love recording this podcast and love all you guys in supporting you, so thank you so much for listening to this podcast and riding with us for our second year here. Ah, sarah, what's going on?

Speaker 2:

Okay, before we get into the episode, I want to share some really exciting news, and I think this is going to roll into what we want to talk about really well, because it is exactly me activating my soul's magic. I am so grateful, blessed, honored literally could cry even just talking about this that I am co-hosting a women's retreat this year in July. This is my dream, like to even say this. I'm like this is my dream coming true. All of just the alignment that I have had in my life over the last few years, like this is allowing this to enter my reality. So I am co-hosting with a very dear friend of mine, danielle, who has been on the podcast three times, so if you've been listening, you know her. She is a coach, a healer, an intuitive psychic. She's everything, everything, and her and I are going to be collaborating on this really incredible retreat called the Awakened Woman Retreat. It's going to be six to seven days.

Speaker 2:

We're still figuring out some of the details and we're really looking for women that are ready to surrender to the unknown, ready to deepen their connection to themselves, ready to shift into a whole new reality, quantum leap into your dreams, and maybe you've been feeling like things just aren't aligned. In your life. You're stuck. There's places where you are desiring more clarity, more understanding of yourself. If that is you, this retreat is for you. We will be doing so many different modalities meditation, yoga, breath work, all different kind of workshops. It's going to be in nature, connected to the elements. It's going to be freaking fabulous. So I am going to drop the information on Mindfully Moody, but also I can put it in the show notes we are taking applications very soon for people that are interested in getting into the retreat. So I literally can't believe I'm saying this. As I'm saying this, I'm like I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can believe that I'm saying this because I have created this. So I would love for some of our listeners to come. So I'm excited to connect with everyone.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm so excited for you guys and just like this is the power of manifestation, like this is just so exciting that this is coming to life. You've been talking about this for years. At this point and it's finally into this reality.

Speaker 1:

And, to pair up with Danielle, like I just know that this is going to do so much for you personally and your life and your business, but also it's going to be so life changing for the woman who gets to attend and really helping people wake up to their feminine power, and I cannot wait to see the details about this and I'm so excited for you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, it's just like. I mean, hannah, you know obviously the power of retreats you just got back from a retreat. It is next level. I mean, there is so much work that we can do in our daily lives, in our regular, you know, homes to heal, to grow, to evolve, to connect to ourselves the present moment, all these things. But when you go to a retreat, I don't know, it's just different. It's different, you know.

Speaker 1:

Okay, also like my life changed at a 24 hour retreat. But imagine what you could do in six to seven days. I mean exactly. So that's why we call it quantum leaping. You're literally doing years of work using modalities that are going to help you like skip timelines and transport into a new you. So I can't wait to hear more.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, I'm so excited. So let's let's get into what we want to talk about, which is literally so closely related to this, which is about activating your soul's magic, and I was thinking this morning, I was thinking about recording, like why did this specific statement come to me? Future group program, right there, mindfully, moody, activating your soul's magic.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that would be so dope, because this is what people desire to do, people that desire to have a closer spiritual connection to themselves, to think about okay, what, what does my soul want, what is my soul meant for, what is my purpose, and you can figure that out and that's a huge step. But then you have to actually activate on that as well. And I just wanted to talk about this because I think you and I are freaking, flying, literally just envisioned, like birds, above this gorgeous like landscape, like we are just off, flying and activating our soul's magic every single day. So I'm so grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we're out here soaring.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, soaring, that's the word I'm looking for. Thank you, we're soaring.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your soul I love this word your soul's unleashing your soul's magic, that's so juicy.

Speaker 1:

I used to hate the word juicy, but it is Like just when you get to have a closer connection with yourself, when you get to do the healing work, when you get to look at your trauma and see how it shaped you and got you to this place today and really allows you to tap into your soul energy, to unleash this magic, like life becomes so magical.

Speaker 1:

I'm just like in this like poetic state, but like I don't know, I just see like a portal, like into the soul and it's just like go like almost like a time machine or something I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Just like with, like stars and like sparkles. Like when you start to understand yourself and start to get closer to your soul energy and like realize, like why you're here on this earth and like the things that light you up and like make you excited and like how you can help heal other people or help other people in the world tap into that. Like life just becomes so much more precious because you have a purpose, like yeah, and that's like the journey that we both have been on I feel, like the past two years especially like tapping into spirituality and like really asking questions of like what makes us happy and what brings us joy and what brings us the most peace, and how can we spread our gifts into the world and help other people? Like life just becomes more. For me, it's become more valuable because it's like it's all for a reason, like it's all for a mission, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. And something that I'm playing a lot with in my mind lately, and will definitely be a big theme at the retreat that Danielle and I are hosting, is this concept of remembering versus discovering. And I mean I love the word discovering, I use it a lot, but I think that remembering is feeling really resonant to me right now, especially when you think about the soul, because it is a remembrance, not a I am discovering, looking for something outside of myself. You're looking for something that already exists inside of you, so it's less of this external process. I feel like that we sometimes make it like okay, you know, kind of like what we're taught, even you know in school of like you're going to try all these different things and you know, try different jobs or hobbies or whatever, and like see what sticks and look for all of these things outside of you, when it's actually like activating your soul's magic is coming inside of yourself and remembering what your soul already knows.

Speaker 2:

And there is just so much peripheral stuff in our mind and in our human life. You know of your brain being developed, your mind telling you these things and I need to do this, this, this, this and this, and it's like, how do you come home to yourself? What your soul already knows is just, I don't know, it hits different to me. It hits different because it feels so. So I don't know, there's more depth to it to me.

Speaker 1:

Totally. It's like the returning back to who you were before society before your parents, before, like anyone told you what to be. It's like when we're born on this earth as babies. We are perfect, perfect, little baby angels like our soul right, our soul chose to come to this planet. We are literally perfect, like if you look at babies like they're just like, literally the most perfect, most precious, most pure thing in the world.

Speaker 1:

And then you know, we grow up and it's like we have these layers added to us, like we have these, these moments of hurt, these moments of trauma that get us away from that pureness of love, like babies are just like pure love sent from God. And then we're kind of like built, you know, with all these beautiful layers as well, but those layers add on things that are preventing us from being inherently who we actually are, which is love. And so I love that concept of remembering who we were when we came to this planet, which was love. We have to kind of take off some of the layers, like the fears that were added on to us, like the, the ways that we were taught that we shouldn't be right, removing those things just to return back to, like, what we actually are at our soul's core, like everything always returns to love.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hey, beauty queens, I'm going to take a quick break from the episode to tell you about my new free mini course, called from passion to profit. If you've ever found yourself saying I want to start my own business, but I don't know what business to start, this free mini course is for you. I have launched a four part video series walking you through the process of how you can come up with creative ideas on how to start your own business and start making money doing something that you love doing. In this free training, I walk you through my signature process of how to come up with business ideas that are heart aligned and involve things that you're really good at, so you can make money doing something that you love. This course is literally free. All you have to do is go to the show notes, put your email in and you will get immediate access to my free course, and you will even have your own portal to log into that you can rewatch the course as many times as you want.

Speaker 1:

I'm also giving away my bonus offering of a hundred job opportunities that will give you a list of heart aligned jobs that you can create today Inside this free training. This is the process that I give to my clients for them to create heart aligned businesses that they love and they are currently making money with. So don't miss this opportunity. Go get it and literally change your life today. Okay, I can't wait to see you in there, sending you so much love.

Speaker 2:

Of course, and that's why, you know, the soul resides in your heart, which is love, and connecting to that is so transformative. And I mean, I used to not like, if I go back to, like you know, my younger life, like to think about, like what is my soul's magic? I mean, for many years I didn't even believe that that this was a real thing. You know, I was very skeptical about any sort of spirituality, religion, concepts like this. You know, and I get it, we're skeptical because of, you know, our human experience and just the shit that happens in the world related to spirituality, religion and or the realities of human life. And how could this happen, if this is real and all of these things.

Speaker 2:

That's also something to work past in the activating your soul's magic. Right, there's a reason that you doubt, you could be doubting that. There is a reason that those things are showing up for you and I think you know we just recorded something about authenticity and these things are very, very, you know, intertwined, because your authenticity, true authenticity, comes from your soul as well. Right, I'm curious in your life, especially with all of the upgrades I feel like that you've recently had, like, when do you feel like you first started experiencing this concept of like activating your soul magic.

Speaker 1:

Good question. As you're talking about this, like a question is coming up for me that I want to also get your answer on, but I've started to think about, like how do I know what my soul is versus is what my mind is? And, like my, human self and then I'm relating it back to like my soul and like almost my higher self, are very connected. I'm just thinking out loud here, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean the same. They're the same.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like do you think that your soul and your higher self are the same?

Speaker 2:

Yes, the same thing. I think it's just a synonym word.

Speaker 1:

So I'm kind of like I think the activation of, like understanding my soul came from like really deepening in this relationship with my higher highest self and like starting to expand of like who is she? Like who is my highest self? Like how does she show up and she already exists? Like thinking about, like I, like how you were sitting, we were talking about this at some point. It's like she is not someone I have to create, like she already exists and it's about me remembering how to get back to her, because the only reason my human self isn't on board with my soul, my highest self, is because of fear, because of things that society said I should do because of like this version that I thought I should be, so people would like me, so I would be accepted in society, so I would be approved by my parents.

Speaker 1:

You know, all of this stuff like my highest self is like inherently love, but also like just like this badass bitch that like goes after all of the shit that she wants and like literally doesn't let anything hold her back. So I think, like for me, starting to tap into my soul, magic was really getting into that spiritual connection with myself and like that expansion of like who actually I desire to be and like understanding the gaps of where I currently am versus where I like my soul really wants to be in this lifetime, like the things that I wanna go through, go through and experience in order to get to that.

Speaker 1:

returning back to the soul, so for me it's really, I think, having a connection with, like a higher power, like source, god, universe, but also having moments of slowing down and, yeah, returning back to like who my higher self is and like how I can always connect with her on the daily, like just returning back to her. I think, what about you, like when was like some of the first moments when you started tapping into your connection with your soul or your higher self? And yeah, like what are some practices that like kind of got you into that space?

Speaker 2:

I feel like I've been connecting for a long time, but I feel that even over the past few months 11, 11 on the clock that it has like solidified to me in just a totally new way and I feel like it's been another just moment of spiritual awakening for me to recognize exactly what you were just saying of my highest self. My soul energy is not something that I am like reaching for. My soul is not something that I have to reach for. It is something that I already am. So this desire to kind of create something that then you are trying to look towards in order to feel validated in the way that you live your life which is a lot of what is in new age spirituality right now Like, if you don't do this, then you will not be aligned with your true purpose, you won't be aligned with your highest self, you won't be aligned with your soul energy. But to me, that's creating something that's outside of you to try to reach towards. For me, it's like me being able to activate my soul energy and why I think now the retreat came into my life so quickly. I think that my coaching business is just literally about to come into complete fruition and take off and have a lot of clients and be making other people's lives thrive, because I have had this coming together of like I am her, I am her, this person that I desire to be my highest self, my soul, to activate my soul energy.

Speaker 2:

I already have that, but I've been trying to tell myself that it's something that I don't have in order to try to chase some goal to get it. So I think there's been this big click for me of like holy shit, it doesn't have to be this hard, you know it doesn't have to be this hard. I don't have to force these things or feel guilty if I don't meditate every day or, you know, try to do all of these kind of manipulating things in my life in order to feel like I have achieved alignment with my highest self. Like that's the ego. For me is what I'm recognizing, and everyone has individual experiences, but for me that's my ego, trying to reach another goal, trying to get in my masculine check off, a to-do list, you know. So I think I've been able to compound the activation of my soul's magic by literally just surrendering to what is already the truth. Bam.

Speaker 1:

Mic drop. Oh yeah, it's like when we can just step back and be like I don't need to do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do so much. I can just be, and I am that already. Like I also get caught up in that. I think that of course, there is like a balance, right. Like you want to go somewhere, if you want to like hit a certain things, like you need aligned energy, you need aligned action, like you need like, but it takes both. But if the energy isn't there, like you you're never going to be able to actually get there.

Speaker 1:

If you don't feel that that is possible for you to like be connected to the person that you want to be, if you constantly feel like there's blocks or like, yeah, roadblocks preventing you from being the person that you want to be, it's like you can just be it, right, just you can literally just be it today, like you can be whoever you desire it to be.

Speaker 1:

It's just like esoteric concept, but it's yeah, sometimes it can just click and be like damn, like, okay, I want to be happy and peaceful. Then, like, just be happy and peaceful, like you want to love yourself, like fully love yourself. Like we don't have to like all right now, I have to like meditate If I want to love myself and like really like be confident, like I have to do all of these things. It's like just like go to the heart and just like see how incredible you are and like tap into that energy, like I feel like as humans, we make things so complex and like layer and like dynamic, and it's like we have all of the answers. We have all of the answers inside of us, like every single thing. That's why we like love using our intuition, because we have every answer that we need inside of our heart. And it's just like going internal, tapping in and like remembering. I love that concept of remembering because it's like we have everything right here.

Speaker 2:

And I feel like to even get to the point where you are at that remembrance and activating your soul magic. You have to step out of your mind. This is why people don't get to activate their soul magic, why they don't discover their purpose, why they don't live a super happy, peaceful life. Because you're so attached to everything that is going through your mind. We have I think the number is six million thoughts a day, something freaking crazy like that. And you know, then it's like, when you say that, you're like yeah, sounds about right. There is a lot of different streams going through this brain, and being able to decipher what is true and not true for you is so essential to living any sort of aligned life, to stepping into that understanding.

Speaker 2:

I'm already my higher self. You know, would your higher self, would your soul, be critical of you all the freaking time be telling you oh, you're not good enough to do that. Oh, you shouldn't do that. Oh, that guy doesn't like you. Oh, you're never going to get the job you want. Oh, you might be homeless if you quit your job. You might blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah all this shit that goes on in your mind Me yesterday, when I made the mistake that I was saying on the last episode, told someone something incorrect, like, literally, my brain was like bam bam, bam, bam bam, like giving me thoughts like you're not worthy of doing this, you're not right, you're all these things.

Speaker 2:

You're being able to dull that noise and be like, oh, that's just like the peripheral shit that's going on, like that's just like white noise in the background of your life, and being able to say, okay, what does my soul think? What is my highest self think, whatever word you want to use interchangeably, okay, my highest self thinks who gives a shit that you've told someone the wrong information? You know, life goes on. You're human, you make mistakes. And then I'm like, oh, now I don't have to beat myself up for the next four days about this or for the next four months, which is what I used to do in my life, you know. So I feel like starting to understand how to decipher that is so essential to even get to that point of activating your soul magic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So as I'm thinking, it's like how can we share what we do to decipher that voice? We often say, like what would your highest self do, which I think that's always such a good returning back to when you are making decisions, right, Like if you had an opportunity to let's just put it in my perspective if I had an opportunity to go to speak on a stage in front of women teaching them how they can tap into their soul gifts and internally there's two things coming up right, Like the angel and the devil. But it's like the highest self in the mind, or the soul in the mind right. And in that moment I can say, like what would my soul energy do? What answer would I be? It's like she would immediately say yes, she would thrive on that stage, she would help people tap into their power.

Speaker 1:

But in that moment I also have a voice of my ego in my head, you know, saying like that's scary, Don't do that. You're giving yourself a position for people to judge you. Right Societies like little, sneaky, little words. So for me it's like in those moments it's returning back to like that question of like how do I want to move forward? What would my highest self do? What would my soul do? And, of course, it's always returning back to love. Like the soul is connected to love, I feel like in the mind is connected to fear and so, like, anytime you're approached with a situation or a decision that you need to make, that you want to lead with a heart, heart led decision, like going to what would my highest self do and allowing your intuition to guide you in that decision.

Speaker 2:

Yes, 100%. I think questioning yourself is always one of the best tools to use. Like you know, even when you're you're feeling any sort of emotion, you know, like is this coming from my ego, is this coming from? Because thoughts, then, when we clasp, you know, clasp onto them, they become our feelings, you know, and it's like is this coming from my ego? Is this also? Is this limiting me? Like the example that you just shared, like, oh well, no, people might judge you, you know. Or even if it doesn't come through that clearly, even if it's just like this feeling of immense fear, you know like, oh my gosh, like I can't do that, I'm not good enough. Whatever starts coming up, it's like is this limiting you? Would your highest self want to limit you? No, and that doesn't mean that, like, whatever you decide that you want to do at any point, that it's like, you know, it's whatever. Like you still have to decipher what is good for you and what is not good for you. You know, maybe you would ultimately decide that, no, you didn't want us, not you, but an individual will want to decide. No, I actually don't want to do that.

Speaker 2:

Whatever the thing is, you know, but I think really just getting. Like. You know how we're, we're. We question other people when they do things. You know, like we question so many different things out in the world, like people's opinions, politics, religion. You know all of these different things, the way other people live their lives, everything. But we can take, like what goes through our mind as like the absolute. Like what goes through your mind is not the absolute and I think that that is 100% the biggest thing that gets in your way. So I love that we're talking about how to get through that. I also want to know, okay, let's say that someone you know is starting to decipher those things, then how can someone really step into that place of activating their soul's magic?

Speaker 1:

I was just going to say this based off of that like previous conversation, and the goal is like that you don't even have to get to that questioning right, that, like you just are inherently making decisions based on like, based on that love, based on that soul, like the soul is just driving, like the life, the conversation. But wait, sorry, can you repeat your question?

Speaker 2:

Once you get that, okay, I'm understanding. You know what is going through my mind. You're getting to basically exactly the point that you just said. My soul is driving, like maybe what are some things that can just activate you even further, like bring that momentum of soul magic forward for you, or you know what you would suggest other people.

Speaker 1:

For me it's listening to my intuition, like the intuition my intuition knows, like the direction that I should go. I think it's strengthening that relationship with your intuition, strengthening your intuitive, intuitive muscle to understand the pings, to understand the downloads, to hear it loudly, making intentional time to connect with your soul and connect with your intuition, because that's going to lead you. Your intuition, your soul are so closely connected, right, and your intuition guides you on your soul's path. So I think, slowing down and being open to messages from your intuition to guide you in your soul path, to teach you what your soul gifts are, to show you what direction to go, to learn what relationships to build. Like For me, listening to my intuition quitting my job there, my logical mind is like don't quit, like you're gonna like read this, I mind, is like you're gonna be on the street.

Speaker 1:

My intuition is just like quit, like you're gonna figure it out. And here I am, almost two years later, like living like my most fulfilling life, like feeling so happy because I listen to my intuition, so like knowing, yeah, what that voice, that intuitive voice, sounds like and following it like, even if it doesn't make sense, like I have that so much in my life. Like you know, last, last month, like losing one of my like largest clients.

Speaker 1:

I won't even say losing, but just like you know, going in different directions. Like my, my human self is like fear, like, oh my gosh, things are like. This is like so scary. My intuition is like girl, you're gonna be good, like we're going all in on you, baby, and like I just know how, how it's going to play out. I have that deep knowing that, like the universe got my back, my soul has me like it's all working out perfectly, like perfectly.

Speaker 1:

So I love it yeah, just trusting my intuition and like the messages that come through and following that, because it will not lead you astray, like it will always work out.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I love it. Same for me, of course, and I also think for me, surrendering to the unknown, which is obviously, you know, very led as well by exactly what you just said of, like your intuition being like do this, you might not know how it's gonna, what's gonna happen yet, but do this, you know. But surrendering to the unknown, like that is what my soul wants me to do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And not having every single thing figured out, and just really trusting that what is meant for me, will be for me, will come for me, will come to me. However you want to say it, and deepening my connection to that has been, I think, what is allowed my soul magic to just come through in the deepest way, because your souls magic will never be pushing and pulling. And this moment of like where we get in this hyper control and want to do all these things and try to like be in that really like wounded masculine side that a lot of us have as women living in this crazy world that we live in, like trying to have that super, super tight grip on life, your souls magic will then literally retreat. Like what's coming into my mind is like a ball of energy that could be in front of you, like this golden ball of light, and then it just just literally like goes back into you and like maybe gets dark and it's just not able to be activated because you have this like just this expectation of things going a certain way and wanting to push and pull and control and your souls magic will never shine when you are in that place and you will never feel good in that place. We convince ourselves that we do feel good in that place sometimes, but that is something that I want to leave people with like this is never going to feel hard.

Speaker 2:

Your souls magic has flow, has freedom, has surrender, has intuition, has connection in it. It's not going to feel sticky, stuck, stagnant. You know just those icky emotions that we can feel and we're leading with our ego or our mind. So find what activates your souls magic, what that even means. You literally take out a journal and what does that even mean to you? Because it's going to mean something different to to whoever is listening to this versus. It means to me or it means to you, you know. So what does that mean to you? What would it feel like if you lived a life where you were activating your souls magic?

Speaker 1:

yes, what you can do also is write a note to yourself, like imagine your heart is the speaker in you writing and just like, allow your heart to speak to you and see what comes out. That could be useful. I love this conversation and I'm excited to have more conversations about tapping into our soul energy and returning back home to us. Thank you guys so much for listening to mindfully moody. We love you and we can't wait to see you next week. Bye, bye.

Activating Your Soul's Magic
Journey to Self-Discovery
Activating Your Soul's Magic
Activating Your Soul's Magic Through Intuition