Mindfully Moody

How To Live In Alignment With Your Highest Self

March 11, 2024 Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson
How To Live In Alignment With Your Highest Self
Mindfully Moody
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Mindfully Moody
How To Live In Alignment With Your Highest Self
Mar 11, 2024
Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson

Ever felt the magnetic pull of the full moon stir something within you? Sara and I certainly have, and it's led us to a revelation: living authentically shouldn't just be a fleeting dream, but a tangible, everyday reality. Journey with us through the cosmos as we navigate the close of the astrological year and discuss the soul-stirring impact it's had on our lives, prompting both a release of the old and a wholehearted embrace of the new. We get deeply personal, opening up about how living from the heart has reshaped our paths, and we invite you to consider what a heart-centered life means for you.

As two entrepreneurs dancing through the business world, Sarah and I have found that leading with love isn't just a lofty ideal – it's a strategy that breathes success into our endeavors. We're peeling back the curtain to reveal how this approach has transformed the way we operate, and how it could revolutionize your business too. By balancing the analytical with the intuitive, and by committing to kindness first and foremost, we're crafting a blueprint for a business philosophy that's as profitable as it is fulfilling. Plus, we'll let you in on our secrets for keeping our hearts at the forefront amidst the hustle.

To close, we delve into the transformative realm of energy clearing and intentional living. Picture this: a room suffused with the sacred smoke of Palo Santo or Sage, an invocation to the spiritual guides, and the power to reclaim your energy. This isn't just my own ritual; it's an invitation to join us in creating a sacred space of your own. We talk about reflecting on life's key areas and making shifts that serve your highest self. And, as a special treat, I'm sharing about my leap into the world of scripting – a manifestation method that's brought me closer than ever to my dreams. Sarah and I wrap up by expressing our heartfelt appreciation for the companionship we've found in each other, and in all of you, as we collectively chase the light of growth and wellness.


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever felt the magnetic pull of the full moon stir something within you? Sara and I certainly have, and it's led us to a revelation: living authentically shouldn't just be a fleeting dream, but a tangible, everyday reality. Journey with us through the cosmos as we navigate the close of the astrological year and discuss the soul-stirring impact it's had on our lives, prompting both a release of the old and a wholehearted embrace of the new. We get deeply personal, opening up about how living from the heart has reshaped our paths, and we invite you to consider what a heart-centered life means for you.

As two entrepreneurs dancing through the business world, Sarah and I have found that leading with love isn't just a lofty ideal – it's a strategy that breathes success into our endeavors. We're peeling back the curtain to reveal how this approach has transformed the way we operate, and how it could revolutionize your business too. By balancing the analytical with the intuitive, and by committing to kindness first and foremost, we're crafting a blueprint for a business philosophy that's as profitable as it is fulfilling. Plus, we'll let you in on our secrets for keeping our hearts at the forefront amidst the hustle.

To close, we delve into the transformative realm of energy clearing and intentional living. Picture this: a room suffused with the sacred smoke of Palo Santo or Sage, an invocation to the spiritual guides, and the power to reclaim your energy. This isn't just my own ritual; it's an invitation to join us in creating a sacred space of your own. We talk about reflecting on life's key areas and making shifts that serve your highest self. And, as a special treat, I'm sharing about my leap into the world of scripting – a manifestation method that's brought me closer than ever to my dreams. Sarah and I wrap up by expressing our heartfelt appreciation for the companionship we've found in each other, and in all of you, as we collectively chase the light of growth and wellness.


Speaker 1:

What is up, queens, and welcome back to the Mindfully Moody Podcast. My name's Hannah and I'm joined by my best friend and co-host, sarah, and we are stoked to have you guys on another episode of the Mindfully Moody podcast. Welcome back. We are excited to drop all of this amazing nuggets and knowledge, and we're talking about something very juicy today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we are. Are we always talking about juicy topics? I feel like we are Always. I mean, they're relevant, they're in the moment. So, okay, I want to talk about something that I feel like really has been coming up for me over the past few weeks and I'm really curious to get your perspective on it, and certainly around this whole. Like it was just the full moon in Virgo, end of the astrological year, and I feel like I personally released so many things and I am a Virgo rising, the perfectionist, and this topic, without further ado, like let me really drag it out the dramatic stuff I'm really getting. Get you into it, Get excited, Get the vibes coming.

Speaker 1:

Jump roll please.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we are getting into it. We're getting into something juicy, good, relevant, important to us in our lives. I mean, I guess everything that we talk about is that, Okay, I just have the giggles. I just have the giggles, Can I just? I'm sorry, I just needed to add a pop culture reference in here today I saw a clip and I don't even think that you watch it. What?

Speaker 1:

No, I saw a clip today of Summer House. I'm watching it.

Speaker 2:

Old season of like Kyle trying to like talk about something really freaking serious at like at his wedding or something at the dinner table and like Hannah and Paige are like literally laughing so hard in the corner. And then he goes you two over there, the Giggly Squad and I'm like, oh my God, I never connected this until we're out.

Speaker 1:

That's where it came from.

Speaker 2:

Then he literally called and they're like you're getting mad at us for giggling, so I just had to insert that in there.

Speaker 1:

There's nothing like those laughs, though Like they're the best, literally.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know. I know the uncontrollable desire to giggle. Okay, so let's run it back to the topic Drum roll, please. This has been relevant right now in my life, because of the full moon, especially, and all the shifts that I've felt over the past few weeks. I don't know if you've been feeling that way too, but I, just as this astrological year has ended, I feel like I've wrapped up a lot of things, and one of the, I feel like, biggest things that we've been talking about lately is the concept of living in a lined life and creating a life that you desire to live. That makes you feel like hell, fucking. Yes, as much as possible, because you're not always going to feel that way, and I think that's unrealistic, but that puts you in that energy on a regular basis, and, for me, what has gotten me there is opening my heart and always focusing on opening my heart, and that has been the biggest transformer for me in terms of that consistent alignment.

Speaker 1:

I love that, I agree, and I want to make more podcast episodes on this, because when we were in Austin, we were talking so much about alignment. We're like this is it, this is what we stand for is living the most aligned life possible, and it's really been a topic on my mind as well of what does alignment mean, and thinking about different areas of my life where maybe I'm feeling misaligned and how to get realigned there, and for me it looks like tapping into what I want to feel, that version of me, tapping into my highest self, and getting an alignment with her. That's what the alignment is. It's thinking of, like your best self, your highest self, your dream life, that version of you, and then where your human self currently is and where's the gap and how can we align closer with our higher self and the values of our higher self and the qualities and how they're living their day to day life. For me, I like that you're framing it as opening your heart, because anytime I do intentionally go through that experience of like doing a heart opening meditation or just like bringing things back to my heart, it creates that expansion and love.

Speaker 1:

For me, though, I've been focusing more on the feelings that I want to feel.

Speaker 1:

If I'm in a state where I'm anxious or feeling like sad or feeling like whatever one, I can allow myself to be there.

Speaker 1:

But if I'm ready to get out of that state, it's me recognizing that maybe there's fear, there's like limiting beliefs that are coming up and to go into the space of where I want to be without alignment, like okay, no, I want to feel good, like I don't want to feel lack, I want to feel abundance and like having that shift. So I like that you're saying that, because that's more of like in the body right Of like tapping into the heart, and I think a lot of mine is more like in my mind and then trying to shift my beliefs and my thoughts, but also using my body, of like using tools and stuff that can get me into my body, to get me feeling better and feeling like more in alignment, yeah, but just like intentionality of like having that shift of like. Okay, I'm in my mind, let me go to my body, let me shift this and like tap back into how I actually want to feel.

Speaker 2:

Totally, and I think that for me, like living in that space of like a heart centered, aligned life is leading with love versus leading with fear.

Speaker 2:

You know, like you're saying, like it's having compassion for myself, for others, the world around me, for nature, for everything, literally everything. And I think it's also like, if you can't connect with your heart and this is how it showed up for me in my life like because I literally think about the chakra system of the heart being the portal to your spiritual chakras your heart is also where your soul resides. So you know, if you don't have your heart open, if you're not in alignment with your heart, how are you ever going to be able to access? One, your authentic truth coming from your throat chakra, thank you. Two, your intuition coming from your third eye. Three, your connection to divinity coming from your crown. So I feel like it just creates, like all of it's, like a stacked thing, right, like you open your heart, then everything else falls into place. That's how it is in my life, beautiful.

Speaker 1:

And the heart actually has its own brain. I just found this out. Do you know anything about this A little bit? Yeah, I don't really know that much about it, but it's crazy that our heart has a brain and controls different like neurons in it. We should do an episode and do some research on this and explain it better.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I just love this idea of leading with that heart space right, and every time you're feeling sadness or you're feeling anxiousness or you're feeling like the future is not going to work out, like returning back to that love state, for me it looks like a lot of like that rewiring into gratitude. I've found myself in old patterns, you know this month of like, kind of going into more lack mindset, lack mentality, and I'm able to so, so quickly shift it nowadays because I have these tools where I'm like what is that serving me? Being in that lack mindset, thinking about what's not going to work out, like thinking about all the things I don't have. Let me shift the use, the tools, shift into abundance and practice gratitude. Which right?

Speaker 1:

Abundance, gratitude that's coming from that heart space too, of love, like focusing on what is going right, focusing on all the blessings that are already here and I find myself able to navigate between these emotions being mindfully moody, if you will, right, like more easily and effortlessly because of that, like simple connection, like of the brain into the heart. Okay, now I'm thinking with my brain. I know it's not serving me right now, in this moment. How can I shift to my heart and create feelings that I want to create, because I know that when I'm in these low vibe, feelings that I'm not going to create and manifest the life that I want. So how can I shift it? And I just find myself shifting it so much more quickly these days and really truly finding the state of like peace and like hopefulness, rather than doom, which a lot of people are beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot of people are in.

Speaker 2:

I mean shit, we were in for a really long time when you don't have the knowledge, the tools, the understanding of yourself to actually shift into any sort of you know state of.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say abundance and I don't mean financial, you know, just abundance of love, compassion, pleasure, play, like all of these things that I also associate with the heart. For me as well, alignment and flow go hand in hand, and I access flow through my heart. I feel like I am able to get into those states of flow which, to me I wrote this in my journal the other day I've been really thinking a lot about heart centered, because I'm it's going to be a really big part of my coaching business and creating people, creating things from that heart centered space, helping people get more aligned with their heart. But I think of flow as, like this, just effortless dance through life, you know, creating your own heaven on earth, whatever that means to you. And that is so centered around love for me, and it's also, yes, centered around intuition and authentic expression and connection to God and all the other things that I care about in my life, but it is the deepest connected to love.

Speaker 1:

Beautifully said.

Speaker 2:

I feel a power there. I'm curious of you like how do you feel like your heart plays a role, or leading from a heart centered place plays a role in your business?

Speaker 1:

One. I think it's focusing on the mission and how I can help, like focusing on how I want to help other people like heal and suffering in their life in specific areas, a lot of being nice to myself, right, like coming from a love space. I think when you are an entrepreneur and you have your own business, it can be very high pressure. You are the only person working to make your money and so it's easy to get into this hustle mode and beat yourself up and get down on yourself when deals don't come through or when you lose a client or all these things. It's so easy to go into that chain cycle, into that fear cycle. And for me, it's really been practicing like love, like it's going to work out, like I and really focusing on like amazing qualities that I have and like seeing my inherent value, even without the business right, and I'll just what I bring to the world, just being Hannah and just being me.

Speaker 1:

And I think, yeah, like leading with your heart in business can be really hard because we get into this logical mind of like I need to do these things and I need to perform this way, but that is that actually going to be fulfilling in the end. You know like we need that too, but I think we need that also the logical mix with the heart and with that like love, to have that flow, because you can't have one or the other and have that. It's almost like the masculine, feminine energy too right Of like being able to have that beautiful balance, to, yeah, balance it out. So I think also like really trying to come from like a loving and abundant and excited, like genuinely excited place, like when I'm creating content or when I'm creating something in my business, like how can I show myself and show my energy and show my life and all the things that I'm feeling and like kind of project that out to other people so they can feel that in their life too.

Speaker 2:

I think that that's such a powerful piece about operating from your heart is that people can feel it, it radiates it literally. Is this just energy, tangible energy that is coming off of you, that you are creating in your own aura, that is helping other people, even when you don't realize it? You just see someone like I feel, like you can see people in the world, like you know. That's just radiating this beauty, and I don't mean physical beauty, like just beauty from an energy perspective, and it can uplift and elevate you. If you see them in the grocery store or you're listening to a podcast and someone is talking from a heart centered perspective, like it resonates more, like it just lands more powerfully in life when you're operating from a heart centered place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's like the best compliment that anyone can give me is like when you walk into a room and like people are like whoa, like I feel your energy, like your energy is so good, I'm like you know it's the best.

Speaker 2:

I got it, it's like the work's working.

Speaker 1:

You know when you can really because you can, when you start to learn tools like you can shift your energy so quickly and like, be a magnet and like, but it you can't fake it. You know you can't fake that. You have to feel it and then that just projects like so strongly and that that is the power right of the heart. When you tap into the heart and you like lead everything with the heart, whether that is like in dating, you know, or going to a business meeting when I'm on a call, like getting new clients, if I'm leading from the heart rather than my mind, it always ends up working out in the best way that it's supposed to work out. You know, yes, what are some ways in your life or in your business that you lead from your heart?

Speaker 2:

So I feel like in my interactions with people, whether it be in business or friendship or family or whatever I always strive to lead from my heart, because I feel that it is in deeper alignment with who I am, my highest self, my soul.

Speaker 2:

But I think that a big part that I wanted to share about my own experience of how I can even tap into that that I've been doing a lot lately and I didn't use to do this as much because I didn't think that I needed to or I didn't understand.

Speaker 2:

I am an empath and I pick up on people's energy in the world so often, especially now that I'm in a job or I'm in person and I'm seeing a lot of people all the time and when I start, like absorbing other people's energy, I feel that it blocks me from embodying, like that heart centered life or whatever I want to call it.

Speaker 2:

So I clear my energy every single day now and I feel like it helps me stay in this centered place, feeling like, okay, I'm operating from my heart, whether it be, you know, in my business, in my relationship on the podcast, in, you know, coaching or whatever it is, and I feel like it has transformed how I'm showing up. So what I do? To do that is I I usually burn some, some sort of something Palo Santo Sage and I literally talk out loud to myself like calling on God, my angels, my spirit animals to help me clear whatever energy is no longer in alignment with me and then literally bring all of my energy, my heart, centered energy that I know that I possess back to me, so like I'm constantly calling my own energy back to me and I feel like that is really, really helped me stay in alignment with my heart.

Speaker 1:

I love that. As you're talking, I'm like you should create some sort of like energy clearing meditation. I was like, oh, I would like to listen to that. I like it. I like it. I mean a lot of people if you're feeling so much power from this. I mean, I do that too, not not that often, but there's things that I do to kind of clear energy. But hearing you say how powerful it is, how frequently you do it like, makes me want to do it more. I'm sure other people want to too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that, and the thing that I think is really great about it is it doesn't take that much time. I literally will just take like two to five minutes to do it and it just like invites, like it is exactly what you were saying at the beginning, like it's about being intentional with your energy. Okay, I don't want this because it is misaligned with how I want to feel right now. And I do want this because it is aligned with how I want to feel right now and it's like taking your power back your spiritual power, your emotional power, your energetic power and shifting it. And I can literally sit down, I feel like and be like overwhelmed and like, oh my gosh, so much is going on in my life. And I do that and it can just like flip me into a whole new energetic space.

Speaker 1:

And I think that the power of just literally being intentional, it can be so simple, you know, just to collect yourself and to shift and to move energy with intentionality, right, when you can recognize that you're currently in a place that you it's not serving you. That doesn't feel good, that doesn't find. Taking the steps you know, creating a masculine structure, but then really flowing in that feminine structure of how you can get into that divine alignment and feel more sense of peace. I think that's what it is right. It's like, if you want to feel more peace, if you want to feel more solitude, it's like tapping into that heart space and slowing down and being intentional about what it is that you're letting in and giving out and who you're giving it out to. I like what you said, too, about like collecting back your energy right, because we give people energy as we take on people's energy. So it's like energetically collecting also what we put out and bringing it back to us.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly, reclaiming your beautiful, magical power.

Speaker 1:

Yes, into your heart bringing it into your heart. I want to go just a little bit deeper on this and ask you for me. I like kind of identified four areas of my life where I want to kind of figure out how I can get more aligned with my highest self. So what it looks like, it's like for me. It's like relationships, career, health. I'm like why am I blanking? Okay, relationships, career, health and spirituality, like these are kind of like the four pillars that I've identified are like the most important in my life.

Speaker 1:

And so what I do is I kind of get clear on where I'm currently at and maybe the things that aren't feeling aligned, and then going in this direction of like where I desire to go, and thinking about things that I can do in order to like energetically upgrade to that version. So, in health, like maybe it's like eating a more nutritious diet. Or in career, it's like finding more heart aligned clients but also embodying that right from a heart centered space. Okay, what would it feel like to work with people who really saw my value and you know so, really tapping into the energy? That's kind of like my process of like coming from that heart aligned space and really getting aligned. Do you have like a similar process where you look through different areas of life to kind of figure out what one you want to tackle first. And I know that sounds kind of like masculine, but like that's kind of how I structure it, so I can like figure out how I can make improvements and feel better.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I do do this, Though I have a thought and I think this is just personal, because I think this works for a lot of people and it's actually worked for me for a long time. I don't always feel like this works for me, Like because I feel like it puts me too much in a mindset of I am not who I desire to be today, Like there's a future version of me that is better than the current version of me. So it kind of messes with my head sometimes when I do this for myself, but I also think that it's served me in a lot of ways. So I think I go through seasons with this type of thing. You know, sometimes this is like exactly what I need and sometimes it creates a little bit more like mental turmoil for me.

Speaker 2:

However, I have a new practice that I literally just started doing last night and I'm like okay, this is gonna stick, this is gonna stick. I bought a new journal. There's nothing like a fresh journal. You know I'm like I love a journal and I'm giving it a purpose. You know I'm gonna do this in this journal. So I sat in bed last night before I went to sleep and wrote for like 20 minutes about me ending my day at an undetermined time in the future and it was like I had a baby. I had a full time like spiritual coaching, healing, business, Like there were, you know, just these things.

Speaker 2:

And I was like I am ending like this day and hear all the things that I did today and I'm just launching this group container about blah, blah, blah and I have all these women who are committed to growth and at the end of the container we're hosting a retreat and like all of these things, like literally envisioning that I'm journaling and you know this is a very common manifestation technique like called scripting I think it's what it's called Like just scripting out your future life, basically, and I feel like this is gonna be more in alignment with me today. Then I've been feeling aligned with like the do this to feel closer to your or your highest self. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Kind of what do you mean? Do this?

Speaker 2:

Well, this how I, how the way that I used to like kind of create categories of my life and how I used to be really hard on myself about it, like, okay, you know, my highest self eats a healthier diet, so I need to eat a healthier diet, but then if I fail at that, then I'm like failing at something. You know what I mean. So that's kind of how that was resonating with me for a period of time just me being super real.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I feel like we all find things that work for us right. And yeah, I love scripting as well. Scripting, I feel like that really, like emotionally, can connect me to the future too and like help me see, like, what is possible, and it's like that is also like a sense of rewiring. I feel like that's like an NLP technique, too, of scripting manifestation. Whatever it is is like getting me the emotional state at the end of the night before I go to bed, right when I enter in the Theta state, to think about what that life could look like, and so I feel like it's just another technique too of getting into alignment, getting familiar, like like it's not so far away, right, if I can already emotionally connect to those feelings, I already know it's almost here. I mean, that is, that is pretty much gonna be what you're explaining, like that's gonna be here in no time. Just quantum leap.

Speaker 2:

I'm not, I'm not putting like I. I am in a one-on-one coaching container right now with Danielle, who we have had on the podcast before, and I for my business, specifically, and like I was talking to her about like oh, you know, I want to have this wellness center, blah, blah, blah, and like I was putting like years in the future on it and she's like ditch the timeline. Like you, you're saying this could be three, four or five years, like it could be one year, who knows, you know but like in my head.

Speaker 2:

I'm already literally telling myself that it's gonna be a certain amount of time away, like when it just could be.

Speaker 2:

Whenever it is meant for me, it will enter my life you know, but I think it's really beautiful that you know we both just talked about things that work well for us, because it just shows like wellness, spirituality, like self-growth, self-development is not like one size fits all.

Speaker 2:

You know, like every technique works for everyone and what you do, I mean, we pretty much do the same shit and it works for us, but, like you know, there are also things that don't, or there, you know, we might shift over the time, or what works for someone else doesn't work for me and vice versa. And like it's really about finding what is resonant with you what tools, what books, what podcasts, what techniques, whatever it is, what meditations, what kind of? Maybe you hate breath work, maybe you hate meditation, maybe you love, you know whatever sound baths, like, whatever. Find your thing. If you hate meditation, maybe go deeper on that, but find your thing, find your thing and vibe with your thing. You know, and like if something doesn't work for you, like it's not saying something negative about you, you know, just let it go and keep, keep searching.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm just getting a little bit emotional at the end of this podcast episode because I just think it's so fucking cool how hopeful we are like about the future and like that we just get to do this together. I'm like literally gonna cry. Have I ever cried on the podcast like we? We're just so hopeful and optimistic and we just believe in our dreams and believe in our stuff and that's so cool that we have each other to constantly find new tools and inspire each other and have just a partner in this belief that we are gonna get the things that we want. And we already have everything that we want and it's just gonna get better and I'm just so grateful for you and just to be here and do this.

Speaker 2:

It's just so cool, I know it's such a blessing, it's so sacred to be able to have like this space, our relationship, the hope, the optimism, the desire for alignment, Even that we get to live in a way that drives us towards living an aligned life, drives us towards wanting to open our hearts. We literally are like world. Take us, Think about, like past us. That would be like, oh, I don't wanna open my heart, that's scary and I'm gonna get hurt and I'm gonna get blah, blah, blah. Like all these things, life is gonna beat the shit out of me. And now I'm like, if life is meant to beat the shit out of me, life is meant to beat the shit out of me. And like I'm come on, let's go, because I'm just not gonna close my heart off to things.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, also to note like we, even though we desire to be in alignment, like we are in alignment now too, like we currently are in alignment I'm trying to figure out how to phrase this but like two years ago, us, when we were both working in our corporate jobs, having self doubt, like we would just only dream to be in the alignment that we're currently at having our own podcast, having our own business, business is feeling amazing about ourselves. Like so we are in alignment already, but like there's always a higher alignment to strive for. And it's just like also recognizing, like, how much work that has already gone in and it's just gonna keep getting better, baby.

Speaker 2:

I love it, I love life.

Speaker 1:

Love life, love life.

Speaker 2:

Live, laugh, love. On that note, thank you so much for listening. Go leave us a review if you like this podcast episode. If you've made it this far, we are grateful for you. We love you and go have the most beautiful aligned week that you can possibly have and keep your heart open.

Speaker 1:

Love y'all bye.

Living a Heart-Centered Aligned Life
Leading From the Heart in Business
Energy Clearing and Alignment Process
Manifestation and Alignment in Self-Improvement