Mindfully Moody

How To Feel Financial Abundance

February 16, 2024 Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson
How To Feel Financial Abundance
Mindfully Moody
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Mindfully Moody
How To Feel Financial Abundance
Feb 16, 2024
Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson

Ever wondered why some people seem to have a magnetic relationship with money, attracting more with what seems like little effort? Mindfully Moody's latest episode with Hannah and unpacks the secret ingredients of financial abundance, revealing how you can transform your relationship with money just by shifting your energy. This isn't about quick fixes or empty promises; it's a deep dive into the feelings and actions that align with prosperity and how you can start embodying them in your everyday life. Get ready to redefine what it means to be wealthy, as we explore the true freedom and security that come with financial abundance.

From personal experiences of mid-week dog park escapades to tranquil walks in Zilker Park, I'll share stories that illustrate the power of freedom, abundance, safety, security, and value – the core energetic components of money's magnetism. And for those moments when you need an extra boost of inspiration, don't miss out on my special abundance playlist on Spotify, perfect for setting the tone on your journey towards financial freedom. Tune in with us as we journey beyond the dollar signs and into the heart of what it truly means to live abundantly.

Abundance playlist mentioned in episode

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever wondered why some people seem to have a magnetic relationship with money, attracting more with what seems like little effort? Mindfully Moody's latest episode with Hannah and unpacks the secret ingredients of financial abundance, revealing how you can transform your relationship with money just by shifting your energy. This isn't about quick fixes or empty promises; it's a deep dive into the feelings and actions that align with prosperity and how you can start embodying them in your everyday life. Get ready to redefine what it means to be wealthy, as we explore the true freedom and security that come with financial abundance.

From personal experiences of mid-week dog park escapades to tranquil walks in Zilker Park, I'll share stories that illustrate the power of freedom, abundance, safety, security, and value – the core energetic components of money's magnetism. And for those moments when you need an extra boost of inspiration, don't miss out on my special abundance playlist on Spotify, perfect for setting the tone on your journey towards financial freedom. Tune in with us as we journey beyond the dollar signs and into the heart of what it truly means to live abundantly.

Abundance playlist mentioned in episode

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Speaker 1:

Hey Hot Babes, welcome back to another episode of Mindfully Moody. It's Hannah and I'm here with another mini mood and I'm excited to share this value that I have to bring today. Today I want to talk about how to feel financially abundant. Okay, so I currently am in a season of my life that I am looking to attract more money, really looking to step into the dream version of me and the financial success abundant version of me who is thriving and feeling so safe and comfortable with money. And I was recently in a mastermind with one of my mentors, nikki Marardi, and we were going through the different energetic ingredients that are involved in money and I wanted to bring it to the podcast because I thought it was super powerful and valuable for thinking about how you can attract more money into your life and truly feeling financially abundant.

Speaker 1:

So, to start off with, we have to see money as an energy. That's all. It is right. Money is an energy. We get money, we receive it and then we put it back out in the world. And when we have that money right and we put it back out in the world, then it brings us things right that we want. We really think about the concept of money, like money is truly just an energy, and if we want more of an energy in our life, it's important that we can understand the energetic ingredients inside of a specific energy or a specific thing that we want in order to align with that right Like let's do a quick one-on-one on manifestation If we want to manifest more money in our life, what do we have to do? We have to have aligned beliefs, we have to have aligned energy and we need to take aligned action so you could take all the aligned action in the world for attracting more money into your life. If you are not an energetic match for that money, you may receive it, but maybe you won't be able to actually hold that level of money that you want in a financially abundant way. So I'm going to teach you the energetic ingredients inside money and that way, once we're clear on what the energetic ingredients are, we can truly become an energetic match for financial abundance, for money effortlessly pouring into our bank account.

Speaker 1:

So what are the energetic ingredients of money? It's around four to five things. The energetic ingredients are freedom, abundance, safety and security, and value, right. So that's what we actually truly want when we want money or when we want financial abundance, like truly ask yourself this question like, why do you want money? It typically isn't like you know, you want the things. Maybe you want the Birkenbag, or you want the house, or you want the vacation. Typically, what it is that we want is the feelings that money will bring us right, which are the things that I listed right Abundance, freedom, safety and security and value. So if we're clear on what the energetic ingredients of money are, and then we can think about ways in which we can actually create these feelings, now that is going to get us in the energetic alignment to be a match, to be financially abundant. So think to yourself like, what does it feel like to be free? Like truly.

Speaker 1:

For me, what freedom feels like is like going down the road. It's like maybe it's like a Wednesday or something and it's like 2 pm and freedom to me is literally being able to go to a dog park, go to a coffee shop with my dog windows down. Like listening to my abundance playlist on Spotify I'll link it in the show notes because it's really good and just getting like super embodying that feeling that makes me feel so free. Why does that make me feel free? Because I have flexibility in my time and day. I'm not locked down, I don't have to go talk to people that I don't want to in a work day, like I can go and choose where I spend my time and my days and who I give my energy to. So that's just like a quick example of something that makes me feel super free. Or every single time I go to Zilger Park in Austin and I enter, I walk in this little park at the hill and I see the beautiful view of the city that makes me feel so free and liberated.

Speaker 1:

So think about those moments where, like your body just like swells up and like you have like tingles, like those moments are probably when you're feeling free or feeling some sense of love or some strong emotion. So you have to decide, right, what makes you feel free. But if you can anchor back to feelings of feeling free, that's gonna allow you to get in that energy right. And so one tool you can do is create a note in your phone and jot down these memories that you felt free. And then, when you are feeling those moments of lack or feeling like you don't have enough money or you're feeling like you know, just like, why am I in this same situation with money. We return back to that list in your phone and go and feel into the feelings that make you feel free. So the key here is to do this with all of the energetic ingredients right?

Speaker 1:

So, thinking about times in your life that you felt abundant, like you can go and look in life and literally look at abundance every single place that you go. Right, for me, I'm like looking at this, my office Like oh my gosh, I have this amazing computer that's literally $1,500. I have this mic. I have this other screen, right Like my clothes that I'm wearing, like my shoes, my dog, like abundance. And I'm like racking up money. I do this a lot in my car. I'm like, okay, damn, I'm driving a $25,000 car right now. Like this is $25,000 abundance. So there's opportunities everywhere for you to check in on your life and see like where is my life currently abundant and how can I reprogram my brain to see that there is abundance here already.

Speaker 1:

Now, safety and security right. A lot of times we think that money brings us safety and security. It does, it's true, it does, but the energetic ingredient around money is safety and security. So how can you feel safe even without having you know the $50,000 in your bank account. Can you feel safe now? Are there ways that in your life that make you feel safe? Are there people in your life that make you feel safe, so you can start to track your memory and really think about moments in your life that you feel safe and secure. Okay, I'm in this beautifully secure apartment and I feel safe returning back to that and rewiring that.

Speaker 1:

And then the last one is value. So how can you feel more value today, even if you didn't have, you know, the six figure income coming in or whatever it is, if you're in debt, how can you still feel valuable? What are characteristics about you as a person that make you feel value? You could think about qualities that you have, maybe ways you show up for your friends. Really tap into the value that you have as a human being in this world and the value that you bring, because you are such a valuable human and it's important for us to reiterate and remember how valuable we are just for inherently, literally being us. So you can practice these energetic ingredients and really to embody these feelings before your financial manifestations come true, because this is gonna really help you. Just like get into the energetic alignment of financial abundance. When you're already actively feeling all of these feelings, it's going to effortlessly come through.

Speaker 1:

Of course, we need to take aligned action, right? You can't just only feel the feelings and then like not do any work the rest of your life, right? No, you have to take aligned action too. If you want money, you know. If you wanna start a business or if you want to, you know, get a. Why am I blanking out this word? If you wanna get, this is how, why not then, ah, incorporate America. If you wanna get a promotion, that's what I was talking about. If you wanna get a promotion, like, what align steps can you take? And, of course, to take aligned action, to go out there and get money, network, make connections, reach out to people, go outside of your comfort zone I'll save that for a different episode because that has got me lit the hell up of taking aligned action. But it's important that we also have the aligned energy, like I'm talking about in this episode, and remember that your relationship with money is exactly that it's a relationship. So think about how you're speaking to money, right. How are you spending time with money? How are you nurturing that relationship?

Speaker 1:

Think about money as if it's your partner, or it's your husband, or if it's your girlfriend. Think like you're in a relationship with money and truly treat your money as if you're in a relationship. What would you do if you were in a relationship with money? You would prioritize it, you would nurture it, you would talk to it. Nice. That reminds me of that Tik Toker Talk to me, nice. That's all money is saying. Talk to me, nice, and I'll give you more Literally, but you need to prioritize your relationship. How are you currently looking at money? Are you like, no, I don't want to look at it, I'm just going to use, use, use, use, use you until you're drained, until you're low, until you have nothing else left in the bank account, and then I'm going to give you a little attention. No, if we were in a relationship with money, every single time that we got money deposited to our bank account, thank you, thank you, money. I love you money. I'm so grateful for you money. Think about it. That was your boyfriend. How would you be speaking to them? Right, prioritize your money, prioritize your relationship.

Speaker 1:

Go on money dates. I love this concept of money dates. See how much money you made all month. See where your money went out to. Every time you spend money, thank you. If you spend $80 the grocery store, rather than feeling that lack feeling, feel like, oh my gosh, yes, thank you so much money for being able to support me here and allow me to buy all of these healthy, nutritious groceries that are going to help me survive this week and thrive, of course.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you guys, I hope this was a helpful episode. Financial abundance is literally on its way to you. It's just about you tapping into these energetic ingredients and taking aligned action that's really going to allow you to step into this space of feeling truly financially abundant. Okay, so I hope this helps. It's Friday. If you're listening to this and it comes out, let's call it financial Friday. Create a little habit, maybe. It's like every Friday you spend 20 minutes checking in on your finances. Okay, I love you guys so much. I hope you go get that bag. Okay, that money and financial abundance is coming to you. Step into this energy and it will be on its way. Send it to you guys. So much love. I'll see you guys next week. Bye.