Mindfully Moody

The Leap from Thinking to Knowing: How To Be Confident In Your Future

February 12, 2024 Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson
The Leap from Thinking to Knowing: How To Be Confident In Your Future
Mindfully Moody
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Mindfully Moody
The Leap from Thinking to Knowing: How To Be Confident In Your Future
Feb 12, 2024
Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson

As we raise our glasses in celebration of Mindfully Moody's two-year anniversary and the incredible milestone of surpassing 100 episodes, my co-host Sara and I reflect on the journey from a simple meetup in San Francisco to the thriving creative collaboration that has enriched our lives today. This isn't just a commemoration of our achievements; it's an intimate exploration into the shift from 'thinking' to 'knowing'—a profound leap that has imbued us with true confidence and certainty. We invite you into our story, sharing the evolution of our podcast and discussing how the transition from doubt to deep understanding has shaped not only the success of our show but the truths we hold about ourselves.

Embarking on this episode, we take a heartfelt look at the gap that exists between who we are and who we aspire to be, revealing the importance of confidence and deep-rooted self-awareness in bridging that divide. We delve into the significance of healing past wounds and reclaiming lost fragments of our identity to cultivate wholeness. Throughout this personal exchange, we dissect the challenges of shifting beliefs, triumphing over self-doubt, and fostering our intuition. We're thrilled to offer you not just insights but also the opportunity for personal coaching, with a heartfelt invitation to join us on your journey towards aligning with your highest self and manifesting the life you've always envisioned.

For more information visit our website here

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As we raise our glasses in celebration of Mindfully Moody's two-year anniversary and the incredible milestone of surpassing 100 episodes, my co-host Sara and I reflect on the journey from a simple meetup in San Francisco to the thriving creative collaboration that has enriched our lives today. This isn't just a commemoration of our achievements; it's an intimate exploration into the shift from 'thinking' to 'knowing'—a profound leap that has imbued us with true confidence and certainty. We invite you into our story, sharing the evolution of our podcast and discussing how the transition from doubt to deep understanding has shaped not only the success of our show but the truths we hold about ourselves.

Embarking on this episode, we take a heartfelt look at the gap that exists between who we are and who we aspire to be, revealing the importance of confidence and deep-rooted self-awareness in bridging that divide. We delve into the significance of healing past wounds and reclaiming lost fragments of our identity to cultivate wholeness. Throughout this personal exchange, we dissect the challenges of shifting beliefs, triumphing over self-doubt, and fostering our intuition. We're thrilled to offer you not just insights but also the opportunity for personal coaching, with a heartfelt invitation to join us on your journey towards aligning with your highest self and manifesting the life you've always envisioned.

For more information visit our website here

Speaker 1:

Hello, Mindfully Moody Queens. Hey girls, hey guys, we are back with another episode in person together in Austin. I love it.

Speaker 2:

That's where you wait. We tonight are going out and celebrating two years of Mindfully Moody, and I'm so excited we're getting dressed up, we're going to a bougie restaurant, we're going to sit martinis and we're going to celebrate us.

Speaker 1:

I love it, I can't wait. It's going to be amazing and we're going to get so much amazing content because we are on a business trip. Ok.

Speaker 2:

This is a business trip Yep. All expenses paid. We are all channeling, channeling.

Speaker 1:

We are all focused on creating Mindfully Moody content podcast branding, social media videos, all of it. And I am just so proud of us because two years ago, when we first decided to launch Mindfully Moody more than two years ago but we never, I feel like, knew at that time where it was going to go, like we were just like let's try this and see how it is and see if we want to stick with it. And the fact that now we have been committed to Mindfully Moody for over two years, it's a celebration, damn.

Speaker 2:

I'm proud of us For sure, like I really do feel like a podcaster.

Speaker 1:

We are.

Speaker 2:

Like we identify as podcasters because we are. We've been doing this Like if we were only six months we really wouldn't have that game to talk, but like we got some skin in the game.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we do. We have over 100 episodes. How many episodes do we have now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it's time to celebrate.

Speaker 1:

So if you're new here, go check out all of our amazing content, because we have been recording for over two years. We have so many episodes that are just like a love letter from us to the world.

Speaker 2:

Period. Also, if you're new here, let's just give a quick story on like where we came from. Sarah and I met in San Francisco eight, nine eight years ago, probably yeah. We met on a Facebook group looking for a roommate bonded over our love for base nectar at the time.

Speaker 1:

Keywords at the time.

Speaker 2:

And we ended up getting together just like getting drinks and like the rest is history, Literally became best friends.

Speaker 1:

A love story. Our love story began Talk about energy. What bar was?

Speaker 2:

that it was on Polk Street.

Speaker 1:

Remember it was the one that has, like, the open windows. No, it was that one on the corner, I don't know. I do think about us, though, going back to San Francisco, when, hopefully, it's in a little bit of a better spot than it's in right now, but in like five years from now and like staying at some fancy hotel in a beautiful area and well, I wanted to say downtown and then I'm like no, not downtown, renting a beautiful house, let's say in like the Presidio, and like walking to the beach and like getting like, and just like reminiscing of our San Francisco experience. I really see that for us.

Speaker 2:

It's so crazy, like that was just such another lifetime, the things that we experienced and like. Then I moved and we created the podcast. I feel like the podcast really came out of like us wanting to like, truly like, stay connected, even though we were like living in different places, I know, and it's been that for us, but like also such a place for us for like healing and just like learning about ourselves and growing and processing things in real time. Like you guys think you need this podcast, we need this podcast?

Speaker 1:

We do. We do Absolutely. It's been such a healing, joyful fun, uplifting, elevating experience Like wow, it has really come. So so so far, so as we have as well as we have.

Speaker 2:

I'm proud of us Okay.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that's kind of a good little intro to the topic, because it is about knowing right.

Speaker 2:

Take it away. Oh, yes, okay. So I wanted to talk about this because I'm just very curious about, like, what your perspective is on this and how we can get to a more fully embodied life, and there's like this idea of knowing something to be true versus thinking something's true, because for me, it's like I want this knowing, like of who I am, to be so clear and like whatever it might be like knowing in my business that I'm going to be successful, knowing that this podcast is going to be successful, knowing that I'm like a beautiful, like heart aligned soul person. I want this deep knowing. But sometimes we only have this like thought that we think it's true but we don't actually have like beliefs that are solidifying that knowing. And so the best way to kind of describe this like thinking versus knowing is like, if I ask you like are your eyes blue? Like do you think that your eyes are blue or do you know that your eyes are blue? I know, okay, right, but if I ask you, is your business going to be successful?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean I want to say yes, of course it's going to be successful, and I do feel like I am at now a knowing part.

Speaker 2:

Amazing. Okay, maybe let's have a different example.

Speaker 1:

But I do think that I previously was at a thinking part, so I think that speaks to the transition that you can go from thinking to knowing.

Speaker 2:

but like going back to the eyes thing. It's like there's no doubt in your mind, there's no belief doubting that your eyes are blue. Right, you know? Like it's just this instant.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I guess let's think about other things, like what are other things that we know to be true? I have a mom, I have a sister, I know that's true. You have chimmy as I'm looking out right now.

Speaker 1:

I have a dog. What else? I mean me. I have a partner we live in this house. I'm taking over my family business. I'm a woman.

Speaker 2:

So how do we know these things are true.

Speaker 1:

It's just the truth and there's like a confidence, a clarity in it, in the answers, in what we know that is true, that just elevates it to like a truth for us.

Speaker 2:

What do you think? There's just nothing to doubt it, like this is I know this is like a bit like a concept, because it's hard to even explain it Like it's just a deep knowing in you. I don't know how better to explain that. It's like there's nothing, that without a shadow of a doubt kind of thing. Like it's just like you know that to be true. So how can we get to this knowing in other things that we want in our life.

Speaker 2:

You know things that we truly desire and believe in, Like how can we back up our evidence, like to get to that knowing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's a great question because that's what we desire to have that deep inner knowing, for our business is gonna be successful, we're gonna be in a long-term happy, loving relationship, we're gonna, you know, have inner peace in ourselves and, you know, all of our dreams are gonna come true, like we wanna get to the knowing place with all of those things. But I think it is a process to get there, you know, and I think it's hard when you compare things that are like facts you know, cause there's not as much room for doubt with like I live in this house.

Speaker 1:

But I get the concept because it's like you're really like standing in your power saying, yeah, I have this, yeah, I am this, so how do you, yeah, embody that in other aspects of your life?

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's a lot of inner work to get there you know, yeah, like thinking about like the dream version of us, like it's like I have this character of like who I want to become, but there are things that are fleeting about that person, that it's like, there's things in me that's like am I actually gonna get there? You know, Like it could be, like my soul right Coming to my soul, like my soul knows that, like I'm meant to be a mom.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm meant to have kids.

Speaker 2:

I'm meant to be in a relationship, in marriage, but my human self is like, then allows doubts to come in, like is that actually gonna happen? Kind of thing. And it's almost like how can I shift that perspective and like trust, that soul, like soul calling to give me that, like belief inside.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think that it's so like ego versus, you know, highest self, soul source, whatever you wanna call it. Because it's like, okay, why do you even put that doubt in? Because you're trying to protect yourself. You know your brain's trying to protect yourself. Well, okay, what if that doesn't happen? Well, I need to make sure that I'm gonna be okay. So let me just start ruminating on what if it doesn't happen now, so that I don't get as let down later. Like you know, I feel like it's just like even starting to have the awareness of, like those that information to understand. Like your ego is coming in and speaking to you, like what is your ego versus your highest self? What are the, what's the distinction between the voice of your ego and the voice of your highest self? You know, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What I mean. What is that? I don't know Fully like using intuition you can I mean determine, or like just asking, I think, creating that awareness and just asking yourself, like, what is the intention behind this belief? Like, is this belief coming from fear or is this belief coming from love? And if it's? Coming from love. Maybe it's coming from the higher self, kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, if it's like and what does it feel like? You know, like, what is the somatic experience when you're having it? You know, like if you're trying, if it's like about, let's say, business and oh, is my business gonna be successful or not? And then you're leaning towards no, it's not gonna be successful. Because that's the voice that's coming into your head, your ego is telling you no, it's not gonna be successful, it's not gonna be successful. And now you feel, you feel scared, you feel frustrated, you feel confused, you feel uncertain, whatever like that feeling is. You know that feels very like restrictive.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm versus like a feeling that feels expansive you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I also think that there could be like, like, let's say that I mean, let's just use one of us as or not. Use one of us as an example. Let's say that Jenny once decides that she wants to be a life coach. And you know, she goes all in deciding that she wants to be a life coach or a mentor or whatever something the spiritual realm, healer and then all of a sudden, like she starts to get a shift of like wait, this doesn't feel aligned to me, this doesn't feel aligned to me. And then she starts like leaning towards okay, yeah, I actually think there's something else out there for me. You know and I'm saying this to say that doesn't necessarily mean it's the ego. That could be. Maybe you were meant to go through this experience of trying to do something and then actually, you have a knowing that you're not aligned with anymore, you know. So it's not only like negative experiences mean that it's your, or shifting of schools of thought means that it's coming from the ego.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm picking up what you're laying down Like am I making any sense right now? I just think it's an interesting topic to talk about because, like, I think everyone wants to just have that like if you? But if you want to be somewhere, if you want to be a certain version of yourself, you want to have that confidence that's going to back you up and get you that direction right. So, like, if you feel that there's a gap in the person that you want to be, in the person you currently are, like what? How can we identify the gap to get us into that like deep embodiment of knowing that we already are that person?

Speaker 2:

So, it's coming from that deep desire of really having that yearning of wanting something but feeling like you're not embodying if we were talking about this earlier, like fully embodying the qualities, the values, the emotions, the beliefs of, like, who you want to be, and so, like I guess that comes probably like from childhood or like you know things that aren't allowing us to step into that because of their wounds.

Speaker 2:

I feel like a lot of things comes from, like wounds or darkness that is preventing us for us to work through those, heal them and step into that. Like that's why we're here on this earth. I feel like to go through these lessons and to like get closer to our higher selves, and I think the more understanding we have about like the gap and like where we want to be, where our soul desires to be, and where we currently are like, it just helps us, I think, get there quicker, just having that awareness, you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, I feel like it's such a like experience of what is preventing me from embodying this you know this version, this knowing, like what is getting in my way and identifying that, and it's so hard to say like, take these steps or do this thing, because it's so different for every person.

Speaker 1:

Like I was telling you this morning that I've had this deep awareness now that's just come to me over the past few weeks, about the younger version of myself, my teenage self, being like in the driver's seat of my adult life for a period of time, and me questioning, like why am I not able to embody this current version of my consciousness that I desire to be? Well, because there's something in my subconscious that's lingering, there's, like this energetic residue that's preventing me from stepping into that place of knowing. So I had to get back familiar with her, and I will continue to. But upon that kind of nudge in my mind, I'm like, okay, how am I integrating that version of myself? How am I showing up for her? What does she need, you know? Because I feel like what prevents us from being in that state of not knowing, of not feeling like aligned with our highest self, is, to your point, like those wounds from our past, and allowing ourselves to really work through those things is what then aligns us into the knowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, beautifully said and I feel like so many people just experience that One people probably don't even have awareness of those old parts of them who are like hurt or damaged or experienced trauma. But when you can get to the awareness of that time in my life, something was lost in me and I need to nurture that version of me and recover her and tell her that she's safe. Because we just have all these different versions of us.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we have a five-year-old version of us, like a seven-year-old, like a 15-year-old version that like all experienced these really difficult, challenging times that like shaped us and I love the idea of like going back and revisiting and like almost like parenting that version and like gathering parts of that version of you and bringing them back into life, like back into your life, back into your soul. Yeah, because a lot of times.

Speaker 1:

I think Soul retrieval.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Like I feel like we shut down in those points. We learn different mechanisms of how to deal with certain situations. You know, like me seeing my dad struggle, I don't know. You know, when I was a child, like then, there were things that maybe I didn't feel taken care of or I didn't feel safe in those moments. And so now, like I have that child version within me that when someone does a certain thing, I feel like I'm, you know, not taking care over whatever like, and it's challenging to go back to those.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I think that gets you in your ego Like that's not your highest self, you know, like that's not like the version of you that is reacting off of, like wounds and fears and all of these things. Like that is not your soul, you know. I mean that's like your human experience, your ego reacting to you, know, the things that you experienced in your past. So I feel like it's it's so hard to be like do this and you're going to shift into that. You know, because it's just such a journey. And I also think that, like I mean, if I were to like give a tool or share something like what are the areas of your life that you do feel really intuitively connected to? And really like that sense of knowing. You know, like one of the things that we talk about a lot in coaching is like using other examples from your life in order to solve this experience that you are struggling with. You know, so, like where in your life do you have a lot of knowing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you are you asking me.

Speaker 1:

I'm like well, I mean sure yeah go ahead. You know, like where do you have like, yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

It put me on spot here.

Speaker 1:

Get into a little coaching.

Speaker 2:

Like I know that I am growth oriented. Like I don't know, I know that that's always going to be something in my life that's important.

Speaker 1:

And then I feel like, if you like translate of like why, well, yeah, yeah, why. Why do you feel that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I guess I have a knowing of how powerful it is in contributing to my overall well-being. Like I know that from beyond a shadow of a doubt, like, and how that is benefiting me in bringing me closer to my soul energy, and yeah, so I think it's what it is. It's like creating evidence of how that thing is true in your life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then taking that of like, how can I take that truth?

Speaker 2:

and apply it to other aspects Exactly. I mean, this is like subconscious reprogramming 101, like NLP. It's like looking for evidence. Like you have a belief, you want a different belief. You find evidence that supports that belief and you connect to it emotionally and you literally rewire the neural pathways until you actually believe something new.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and matching it with a feeling I feel like is one of the most powerful, powerful pieces of that, because it's like okay, I know that I have a growth mindset that's always going to be a part of who I am. Like, what does that feel like? To even like claim that, to experience that, like to honor that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then bringing that feeling like, okay, how can I bring that feeling into the knowing that I'm going to find my partner, the person I meant to be with, like, how do I use that as a launch pad into the next part of knowing in my life?

Speaker 2:

I love the idea of revisiting old memories where you felt that thing. So it's like, if you have want, if you desire knowing to feel love, like that you truly feel so much love within yourself. It's like reconnecting to moments where you did feel love and like tracking those moments. I do this all the time where it's like I have a note in my notes app If there's like a feeling that I want to feel, like I am magnetic, I am all of these things. It's remembering and tracking motion experiences and connecting them emotionally, like, okay, I remember this one time when I went to Zilker Park and like I was walking in the park you probably heard me say the story like multiple times but I literally just got filled with so much love, like my body was vibrating, I felt light, I really felt this deep, deep sense of love and like now I feel that, because I'm revisiting that memory, I'm feeling that love within myself right now.

Speaker 2:

So you can create a list of evidence and then experiences that evoke that emotion. That's how it's gonna get you into that of like believing that to be true, because you're like, oh yeah that happened so many times in my life. I am love, I am inherently love.

Speaker 1:

Yes, because I feel like we can forget and I love the idea of keeping a list, like we just forget about positive experiences. Sometimes, you know, and it's like we're thinking about okay, love, and am I deserving of love? And like you're reflecting on it and all these things start popping in your mind of the times that you weren't deserving of love.

Speaker 1:

Right you didn't get the love that you know like, oh well, I got rejected. This person didn't like me. You know, I got broken up with by this guy. You know, and like you're. So, yeah, what? Like, fuck that, fuck all that, you know, you don't need to even keep track of that, let that shit go. You know, like, the connection of, like the, the I'm going to basically rewire, like you're then supporting the negative neuro pathway.

Speaker 1:

You're like yeah, okay, yeah reject me, reject me, universe, I, I feel worthy of being rejected. You know, like, put your hands up in the air and just call that back on to you. You know which I know that feels like I used to not resonate with this, like I used to be like that's not true, you know, but like really it is true. I mean, these are just laws of the universe, like what you put out is reflected back to you. If you are not feeling worthy, successful, financially abundant, grateful, like all of these things like get, get ready, if you're not feeling like you have the ability to tap into your knowing, you're not going to tap into your knowing.

Speaker 2:

I mean 100% and it's like whatever you repeat is going to come to true. Imagine you were raising a kid. Every year you told him like you know, you're never going to be successful. You're never going to be successful. You told that to him every year. What do you think is going to happen to him when he grows up? Probably going to have that belief and not be successful and like. It's so weird how our society like and our brains are, like natural, to go like the victim and like the bad route.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't understand why. Maybe it's because of media, like competition just how hard life can be but like we're so quick to go into what's the worst case scenario, what's bad about me rather than focusing on good. We need to switch up. I think that's like our literal goals in life is like how can we help people shift this? And like that the natural state is going to the belief that's going to actually get you aligned to where you want to go. Because society, we got it all. We got it all wrong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely I agree, and I think we're getting there. I think there's there's awareness that's starting to be raised about this. There's, you know this, this new like school of thought of yeah, you don't have to just react and you know, constantly, go with the ego response. Like, you have the ability to tap into that knowing and sometimes, especially in the beginning, the knowing is quieter than the ego. The knowing like your intuition, you know it. It takes a long time for your intuition to be the leading voice, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I also think that that's important for people to remember of like, how do I shift into knowing? Like it doesn't, because it seems logical that your first reaction would be your authentic reaction to something, but like it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. You know what I mean. It's like if you have a belief about you know, or you have like a limiting belief, I should say, about your business, and it's like you know the first thing that comes to your mind could be I'm never going to be successful. But like, if you actually sit, because that's maybe what you were told by society, by your family, whatever, like, how can you shift that into knowing and allowing your true, authentic self to come out like shifting out of programming all of these things, because I don't really think that it's entirely possible to remove programming 100%, like I think that you may always have a thought come into your mind that might differ from your intuition. I don't, you know, I don't think that like intuitive, deeply intuitive people never get thoughts that are anti their intuition right.

Speaker 1:

But like, how do you deepen into? I'm going to listen to my true knowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's having also that general awareness of like, okay, I'm aware that that belief is there, Am I then you make a decision? It's like, am I going to listen to that belief or am I going to listen to a different belief?

Speaker 2:

a belief that gets me in the direction that I actually want to go, because so many people get paralyzed and like, oh, I have that that could happen, so now I'm not going to take this action just in case that happens, rather than just do the thing that they want to do and believe in themselves like that it's possible.

Speaker 1:

This is literally the perfect plug, so I'm going to do it for our free I repeat, free resource that we created for you to shift out of self doubt, because that's exactly what we're talking about Like being in a place of self doubt, being controlled by the ego, being controlled by the subconscious, repeating these same patterns, same cycles that you've been repeating. So we have a 10 day program for you to help gain awareness and shift out of these negative, limiting beliefs.

Speaker 2:

And guys, let us be the first to tell you, we went through an era where we doubted ourselves. We did not like who we saw in the mirror. We had bad relationships, we were fed up, we were like insecure and we took the things that we did in our life to get out of that, to pull ourselves out of that state and just fall in love with ourselves, and we put all of these tools and tips that we like, truly went through and tried and true, tried and true in this workbook, so so valuable.

Speaker 2:

If you guys are going through that, click the link in the bio. Yes it's free, it's literally free.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's free. It's free. All you have to do is put in your email. Also, we launched a website.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So go check us out on our website as well. What, what, what closing thoughts do you have for the people?

Speaker 2:

Closing thoughts. Just thank you for riding with us, thank you for being here. If you guys liked this episode, send it to your friend, send it to your bestie, someone who needs some port in this knowing, tapping into their intuition and getting clear on what it is that they desire to bring to life. If you like this episode, you guys can go ahead and leave us a five star review on Apple or Spotify. This helps us grow the podcast and reach all of you amazing people.

Speaker 1:

So please review us Please. Also, I am a life coach and Hannah is a business mentor and we want to help you. We want to help you, Like, if you're listening to us and we're like you're thinking okay, I resonate with these two bitches Guess what you can have one on one access to us.

Speaker 2:

Slide in our DMs, reach out to us yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hannah is going to teach you how to create your dream life. I am going to help you align with your highest self and, yeah, Should we give away?

Speaker 2:

Should we give away a free call? Oh, oh, oh the first people that slide into our DMs. They get a free call. Yes, Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I'll do a free 60 minute coaching session with someone.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'll do a free dream life activation. So if you want to activate the life of your dreams and get truly aligned, action and steps of how you're going to bring that to life, slide in my DMs at expand with Hannah.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we love it. We love it Amazing, and we will be back with you soon. See you guys later, bye, bye.

Transitioning From Thinking to Knowing
Identifying the Gap
Shifting Beliefs and Overcoming Self-Doubt