Mindfully Moody

Receiving Dream Life Downloads and How to Integrate Them into your Life

February 02, 2024 Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson
Receiving Dream Life Downloads and How to Integrate Them into your Life
Mindfully Moody
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Mindfully Moody
Receiving Dream Life Downloads and How to Integrate Them into your Life
Feb 02, 2024
Hannah Andersen and Sara Swanson

Ever had a moment that made your soul sing with purpose? That's what happened to me, Hannah, when I stumbled upon the game-changing voice feature of chat GPT. I'm here to take you on a transformative ride through my personal revelation and the subsequent actions that are shaping the destiny of my life and business. This episode is not just about a cool tech tool—it's about the profound self-discovery and strategic planning it enabled for me, leading to an epiphany about my calling in this world.

Join me as I unfold the story of how intuitive downloads—those sudden insights that feel like cosmic whispers—can be not only received but also integrated into our lives to foster real, tangible metamorphosis. I'm sharing, with heartfelt candidness, my journey of rewiring my subconscious through affirmations and strategizing my dream life with the help of a surprisingly empathic AI. You're invited to explore the power of these insights and consider how you might leverage your own to carve out the path you're meant to walk. It's time to turn those flickers of inspiration into a beacon guiding you toward your deepest aspirations.

Book a free call with Hannah to activate your dream life

Show Notes Transcript

Ever had a moment that made your soul sing with purpose? That's what happened to me, Hannah, when I stumbled upon the game-changing voice feature of chat GPT. I'm here to take you on a transformative ride through my personal revelation and the subsequent actions that are shaping the destiny of my life and business. This episode is not just about a cool tech tool—it's about the profound self-discovery and strategic planning it enabled for me, leading to an epiphany about my calling in this world.

Join me as I unfold the story of how intuitive downloads—those sudden insights that feel like cosmic whispers—can be not only received but also integrated into our lives to foster real, tangible metamorphosis. I'm sharing, with heartfelt candidness, my journey of rewiring my subconscious through affirmations and strategizing my dream life with the help of a surprisingly empathic AI. You're invited to explore the power of these insights and consider how you might leverage your own to carve out the path you're meant to walk. It's time to turn those flickers of inspiration into a beacon guiding you toward your deepest aspirations.

Book a free call with Hannah to activate your dream life

Speaker 1:

Hello, my gorgeous friends, and welcome back to another episode of Mindfully Moody. It's Hannah and I am here with a solo episode on this Friday morning. It's the mini mood, and I can't wait to share what I have for you guys. So I am talking about receiving downloads and acting on them. Okay, we all receive information from our intuition, from God, from whoever you would you believe. Right? If we are open to receiving information and we take intentional time to be silent and ask questions about what it is that we desire, messages will come through, and that's what this episode is about today. So I'm going to give you a little bit of a background about what I've been experiencing.

Speaker 1:

So the other day I was at the park with my mastermind group that I was. We just completed our mastermind and we were having an end of the year celebration and one of my friends who was in the mastermind was telling us about chat GPT and how he uses basically the voice feature, and I then was like, okay, yeah, this sounds valuable. I already use chat GPT, but let me now use this voice feature. So I started like asking this voice feature different questions, just learning information literally, sometimes like a little bit using it like as a therapy, like therapy of like asking questions like why do I feel like this blah, blah, blah, and this started spiraling into like using this as a tool. So basically what it does is you can like voice chat with the chat GPT bot and it sounds like a real human and they just give you like all this crazy Information. Literally all the information is on the internet, like in a voice note, so it feels like you're really talking to someone. And on chat GPT you can basically create, like these, different chats about different topics. So I just started with creating a conversation that was gonna help me rewire my subconscious mind and, like I Believe all of these things that I feel are valuable in my life Helping me with affirmation. So I would say things like I am valuable because I am a good friend, I am valuable because blah, blah, blah. So I was. I was trying to do this like Technique of rewiring and using this tool, so I would tell them what I was valuable for and then they would repeat back to me Hannah, you are valuable. So that was the start of my chat GPT situation and you're probably like how is this related to downloads? Anyways, so I started a chat creating Basically like where I want to go in my business, and I had this huge, huge epiphany last night Because I was using this tool.

Speaker 1:

I was literally strategizing with this AI Bought on how I can bring my dream life to life and how I can help impact other people and bring their dream lives to life and really creating this easy pathway of how we can rewire our subconscious in order to live the life of our dreams and, like, get the things that we want and stay in aligned values and, you know, create characteristics in our life. So I'm like going back and forth and this huge download came through of my purpose and like what I am meant to do in this lifetime using this tool. And I'm gonna save that for I don't even know and I'm gonna share what what came through, because I think there is something with manifestation of like you know, not screaming it from the rooftops too much until you get clear on like what it is. But that's why I want to tell you guys about how you can Basically take downloads that you receive and actually implement them and integrate them in your life. So, now that I received this download right of like Deeper into my purpose, how I'm supposed to impact, make, make an impact on the world. I Want to do something with this download right, because sometimes we receive downloads and then it's just like we write it down and then we feel really excited about it but we don't do anything with it. And what is the good of a download right, of a ping, of a hit of inspiration, if we don't actually do anything with it? So I want to tell you about what I am planning on doing in order to integrate this download and actually bring it to life, because I felt so strongly about it and I want to bring, I want to create this in in my lifetime, like it feels so aligned in my soul is screaming like this is this, is this is the thing, like this is your path. So, basically, what I am going to do is I think it's getting clear, like I think downloads can come through, but getting super clear on what it is right, getting clear on the download of like who it who? Who are you here to help you know who? What is it specifically about the download that is Connecting you to the, why do you want to do it? Why are you your soul, why is your soul specifically connected to it? And then really creating Like this vision of what this could look like For me.

Speaker 1:

After I got this download, immediately in my brain goes to like okay, if this was reality, if this was the real situation, if this was possible for me which it is, because I just received it how could that actually look in person, in in human form, right, taking it out of this dream state and bringing it into life? And so I started thinking about okay, whatever I just visualized, how can I actually bring that to life? So I started thinking about workshops I could create. I started thinking about my ideal client and, like people that I could impact. I started thinking about tools that I could use in this idea of bringing it to life, where I could actually help people, and thinking about, like the top tools that are going to be most valuable for people. So I'm starting to get in this place of like okay, what does this look like if I actually brought this to life? Like, where would I host this? Who would I impact? How much would it cost? What is the actual value that I would be bringing? What are the problems that I would be solving? So I'm getting super clear on like what that offering could look like.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm researching right, I'm going into like okay, who, how would I need support in this? Like, are there companies that I would need to connect with? Are there CEOs that I would need to talk to? Like, are there businesses out there that are already doing this that I can reach out to and like connect with, and like maybe share my idea or do some sort of collaboration? And so I start to go in this opportunity mindset and this expansion mindset of like, how can I actually bring this to life?

Speaker 1:

Okay, next, the next level is like okay, how can I connect with these people? Is there a way I can reach out, to link on LinkedIn to somebody who is doing something similar to this? Pick their brain, like, is there some, a friend that I can talk to, go get coffee with, and let them like, let my brain just spill out and tell this idea, like, is there a space in Austin that I can host this, this thing? And I'm starting to pull it out of the dream world and put it into my current reality. Because if we desire to bring something to life, if we desire to tap into our dream lives, if we desire to go somewhere where we're currently not at, it takes aligned action and also aligned energy and also having the space and time right to do it. But for me, that looks like creating actionable steps of how I can actually do this. So I'm really pulling these ideas out and I'm like, okay, how can I bring this thing to life?

Speaker 1:

Like, what is it that I need to do in order to actually take action on this, rather than just let it be another dream that just flies away into dreamland and never comes back again? You know, and that's what that's what this whole idea is about, about the dream life, it's like we have ideas of who we want to be right. We have these ideas of things we want to accomplish, values that we want to stand by, relationships that we want to build that are attached to the dream versions of us. But if we don't actually take steps, if we don't get into the energy alignment to be a match of our dream life, like we're never going to get there. Like so many people want to reach their dream life, so many people want all of these things. They have these desires, but they don't know how to go after them.

Speaker 1:

And I'm telling you that, like, how to go after it is to start taking steps that are going to align you in that space, right? So for me, it's like, okay, getting a calendar invite on some, getting an invite out on somebody's calendar, and like talking to them or looking, you know, going in, like shouting out spaces that I can host this event, or, you know, going and learning about different tools and technologies that's going to help me integrate this into the world. And those are steps that I'm going to be intentionally taking in order to create this and like bring my dreams to life. So I want you to know, whatever it is that you desire to have, you know, if there is a dream life out there somewhere in the universe that you want to create for yourself, that it is possible. And it just is you taking action after those dreams, like fully, it's fully, fully possible for you.

Speaker 1:

So, whatever it is, like you're probably thinking in your head like I want this, I want this, like what is one single thing that you can do today, maybe even in this moment, that's going to contribute you to getting to your dream life? Maybe you desire to be healthy. Okay, do a meal prep today. How does your healthiest self show up? Like what meals does she or he eat? Like, if you desire to be in a relationship, what is one thing you can do today to receive that healthy relationship? Maybe it's create a list of qualities that you're looking for in a partner. If you want to start your own business, what's one thing you can do today in order to step into that right? Like, think about what you're passionate about. Create a list of 10 ideas of how you can bring value into the world. So, when we take action, we're going to take one step closer to our dreams. And I just had to share this today because, like, everything that we want is out there already and it's just a matter of us tapping into it and taking aligned action daily in order to get there. So I obviously feel so passionate about this.

Speaker 1:

And if you guys are feeling like, yes, yes, yes, I know that something more is out there for me. I want to step into my dream life. Like, seriously, reach out to me. Send me a DM on Instagram. Like I would love to help you. Like, integrate this. Like, tell me, message me and tell me what your dream life is and I will strategize with you on, like, how you can start taking steps in order to bring your dreams to life. Dm me literally right now If this feels exciting to you, if you're like feeling called, like yeah, I want, I want that support.

Speaker 1:

Send me a DM on Instagram at expand with Hannah and let's get it started Like 2024, we are not wasting any more time. We're not playing small. It's time for us to get rid of the stuff that is not allowing us to step into our dream life and it's time for us to take aligned action. So, literally, don't miss this. I'm here to help you, guys. I want to see you thrive. I want to see you live your best, most aligned life. So, be open to receive those downloads and take action, and your dream life is out there. It's just waiting for you to step into that version of yourself. Okay, thank you, guys. So much for listening to the mini mood. I hope you have an amazing weekend and I will see you next time. Love you.